Applicaton for Development Review 21-22 Final Plat001CO TIUN]TY DEVELOP ENT DEPARTIIENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-13W I Fax: (952) 227-1110 Submitlal Date PC Date: CNYM CHAI{H,ISSII{ APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW rc,w, mlZel lZz fl)oay Rsvbn, Dab:tolts lzz Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) (Refor lo tlro a@rqtido App/icdbl Ch€cldid lt /lqJirrd E Cornprehensive Plan Amondmont......................... S600E Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sowers ..... $100 E Conditional Uso P6rmit (CUP) E Single-Family Residencs ................................ 0325fl Ar orhers........ ..................0425 E lnterim Us€ Permit (lUP) D ln conjunc'tion with SingFFamily Rosidonca.. $325! litt otrers $425 subniltd hlotnatioo that n,,/,st @npaoy Ns epdbation) E SuMivision (SUB) D Creato 3lots or |ess........... tr! D .......................-.$300 D Creato ov6r 3 lots ......................$600 + $15 per lot( lots) $150 $700 $150 s275 Psrmit Lot Line Adjustrnent (lndudos 1450 oscrof,r foi atbrnoy ccts)' 'AddlbEl olcrow msy bo ]€qrfrd fur othor apdicalioru throqh tE d6.€logmq cq|tgct E Vacatirn of Eas6m6nts/Right-of-way (VAC)........ $300 (Adddon l rscolfig ft6 rnay edy) ! Varianc€ (VAR)$200 I Rezoning (REZ) ! Pbnned Unit Dev€lopment (PUD) ..................0750 ! Minor Amondment b existing PUD................. El00E Alt oheG........ .-...............0500 ! Sign ptan Revievy...................................................8150 ! Site Frlan Review (SPR) Administralive ... t100 CommerciaUlndustrial Districts'$s00 $100Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building ar6a:( thoGand squar€ feot) 'lndude ,.rnb€. oa 9I4E!Eq drplq/o63: _ 1rdu(b nqnbG. . @! c do)fo€.:E Resirontial Disbicts ..........05m Plus $5 psr dw€lling unit ( uniB) D Zoning Ordinanca Amondment (ZOA)$500 !g!E: Wh.n multlpL Tplic.tbo. .t! p.oc..trd conclrr.i0y, th. .p!.oFLt t!. .h.ll b. .rr.O.d ior..dr .pplicadoi. E Pmperty Os,ners' List w'thin 500' (city b gpr|esb dror Flr0dic.tbo m!d|g) .................. .33 per addmss ( 90 6ddr6s€s) E Escrow for Recording Documents (cfiod( all that f) Condilional Us€ P6mit A vacationD Metes & Bounds Subdivisbn (3 docs.) 350 per document L_ easemsnts) E Deeds TOTAL FEE:$620.00 tr! fl sito Plan Agrsem€nt D Wetand Alteration Pemit AviendaProporty Addross or Location: Parcel #:Legal Description Outots A and C, Avisnda TotalAcreage:38.86 Wotlands Pressnt?Z Yas E tto Present Zoning:Plannsd Unit Oevelopm6nt (PUD)Rsquested Zoning . Not Applicable Present Land Use Designation:Mixed Request€d Land Use Designation:Not Applicable Echeck box if separate narrative is attached. Varianc6 Section 2: Required lnformation Dsscription of Proposal: Final Plat and Vacation lor Avionda Townhom€s - Soe Attached Nanative E{sting Use of Proporty:vacant Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant lnformation APPUCANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as applicant, represent to have obtainod authorization from ths prop€rty owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to obiect at th6 hearings on the application or during the appeal period. lf this application has not been signed by ths prop€rty omer, I have attachod soparate documontation of full logal capacity to fils the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contacl regarding any matter pertaining to thb applicdbn. I will keep mysetf informed of the deadlines for subrnission of material and the progress of lhis applklation. I furfter understand that additional fe€s may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, e!c. with an estimata prior to any authorization to proceed with th6 study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are tue and corBcl. Name:Contaci: Phon6: Mark Nordland Address:4600 Kings Point Boad City/StateZip: Email: Minnetrista, MN 55331 Cell: Fax: (6121812-7om mnordland @ nordlandpartners.com Signature:Date: PROPERTY OWI{ER: ln signing this a , as prcperty owner, have full legal capacity lo, and hsreby do, authorize lhe filing of this applietion. I understand lhat coarditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by thos€ conditions, subjed only to the right to object at the hearings or during lhe appeal periods. I will keep m)rsetf informed of the dsadlines for submission of matsdal and the progress of this application. I furfier und€rstand that additional fs6s may b€ charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an ostimato prior to any aulhoriza0on to procoed with tho study. I c€rtify that the information and exhibib submittod are truo and conec{. Name Level 7 Development LLC 96616gt. Bahram Akadi Phon6: (S54m4TnAddross:.1600 Kings Point Road City/StateZip: Email: Minnetrista, MN 55331 C€ll: Fax: (612) 812-12t 1 @n. Sllnature:Date: PR(UECT ENGINEER (if appliEble) Name: Lendlorm Prolessional Servicas, LLC Coltaci. Stovon Sabraski Phone: (612) 638{243Address:105 South Filth Avenue, Suile 513 City/Statezip:Minneapolis, MN 55401 ssabraski@landlorm.n6t Cell: Fax:Email:(612' 252-9077 Urho should receive coplos of atafr reports?'Oth6r Contact lnformatlon : Name: Kendra LindahlE Prop€rty owns via: D Email El Applicant Vra: E Email ! Mailed Paper Copy E Mailed Pap€r Copy E Mailed Paper Copy E Mailed Pap€r Copy Address: 105 South Filth Avenue, Suite 513City/Statezip: Minneapolas. MN 55401Email: klindahl@landlorm.net INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT:Complete all necessary form fields, then selecl SAVE FORM to save a copy to your dovic€. PRINT FORM and delivsr to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital SAVE FONM PRII{T FORI'SUBMTT FORII Thb application must b€ comdeted in full and must be accompanied by all applicable City Ordinance provisions. Bebre filing this application, refer to the apFopriate Applicatbn Checklist and confer with the Planning Departrnent to determine lhe sp€cillc ordinance and appli€bl6 procedural roquirements and fs€s. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business day€ of apdication submittal. A written notice of application deficienciss shall be mailed to the applicant within l5 businoss da)rs of application. and plans raquired by Section 4: Notification lnformation tra Engineer Ofied Vra: Vra: tr @ Email Email Lsvsl 7 Devolopment LLC copy to the city for procossing.