Extension Letter 2-6-07 ~ 1m l~ '1\"', /( ( ll':~ i ~ (~I ~ij J If... .J~~., -j. : ' i, II : : ~ \ I: 5.h.1ffileen Al-Jaff City of Ch.a11ha~sen 7700 z..Iarket Blvd 7700 Box 147 Chanha':.sen !Vm 55317 February 6, 2007 Re: T Mobile CUP Application for the location near 10,000 Great Plains Blvd. Sharmeen, To allow the City of Chanhassen additional time to gather information concerning T Mobile's request for a 145' monopole to be located near 10,000 Great Plains Blvd, please remove T Mobile's application from the Febru~ry 26th City Council Agenda. T Mobile will request that the application be placed on the April 9th agenda, with a determination no later then April 13th. Please let me know if you have any questions. /~~C ? ~~e Acquisition Agent 6127025065