2007-2011 CIP City of Chanhassen, MN Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 DEPARTMENT SUMMARY Department 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Major Equipment 916,000 842,900 871,100 1,689,300 945,400 5,264,700 Municipal Buildings 220,000 3,700,000 20,000 3,625,000 7,565,000 Park & Trail Improvements 576,000 185,000 636,000 486,000 291,000 2,174,000 Planning 120,000 30,000 150,000 Sanitary Sewer Improvements 705,000 500,000 375,000 2,005,000 255,000 3,840,000 Street Improvements 4,831,000 4,635,000 10,785,000 2,285,000 1,885,000 24,421,000 Surface Water Management 1,543,500 870,000 770,000 960,000 670,000 4,813,500 Water System Improvements 995,000 820,000 490,000 945,000 45,000 3,295,000 GRAND TOTAL 9,906,500 11,582,900 13,947,100 11,995,300 4,091,400 51,523,200 City of Chanhassen, MN Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Department Project# Priority 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total IMajor Equipment , Fire Dept.: SCBA Equipment EQ-004 0 70,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 300,000 385,000 Laptop Computers EQ-009 0 50,000 50,000 PPE: TumoutlHelmets EQ-01O 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 Computer/Network Equipment Purchases/Upgrades EQ-013 0 103,000 106,700 96,100 105,200 104,600 515,600 T elecommu nication Purchases/Upgrades EQ-014 0 10,400 5,000 7,000 24,000 46,400 Community Dev.. Light Duty Trucks EQ-015 0 26,000 30,000 55,000 28,000 29,000 168,000 Dump/Plow Truck Replacements/Additions EQ-016 0 153,000 161,000 338,000 371,800 1,023,800 Vibratory Roll Packer EQ-019 0 45,000 45,000 Equipment Trailers EQ-021 0 25,000 25,000 Tar Kettle EQ-022 0 30,000 30,000 Ford 555C Backhoe EQ-023 0 80,000 80,000 Line Striper EQ-025 0 9,000 9,000 AudioNisual Equipment EQ-026 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Groundsmaster 580 Mower Replacement EQ-028 0 82,000 82,000 Light Duty Trucks: Public Works EQ-029 0 31,000 32,000 31,000 94,000 Park Bobcat Snow Accessories EQ-030 0 7,000 7,000 Sewer Bobcat Snow Accessories EQ-031 0 7,000 7,000 Grounds Mower Replacement EQ-034 0 37,000 37,000 Tractor & Broom EQ-036 0 84,000 84,000 Mailing Folderllnserter EQ-041 0 20,000 20,000 Software Purchases EQ-048 0 36,100 55,600 22,000 13,000 22,000 148,700 Computerized Records Retention System EQ-049 0 9,500 9,500 30,000 8,600 9,000 66,600 Light Duty Trucks: Parks EQ-052 0 98,000 33,000 65,000 196,000 Cushman Trail Vehicle & Sprayer: Parks EQ-053 0 24,000 24,000 Fire Vehicles EQ-054 0 85,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 205,000 Aerial Photography for City GIS Datasets EQ-055 0 20,000 20,000 Front-End Loaders EQ-056 0 160,000 170,000 330,000 Sander EQ-058 0 8,000 8,000 Skid loader Planer EQ-061 0 15,000 15,000 Light Duty Trucks: Utilities EQ-062 0 32,000 54,000 70,000 156,000 Administration Vehicle EQ-063 0 25,000 25,000 Engineering Vehicles EQ-065 0 58,000 58,000 Fire Station 3 Vehicles and Equipment EQ-068 0 1,000,000 <lllIll'\l'Il"ll'\ I,VVV,Vvv Veterans Monument EQ-080 0 50,000 50,000 Storage Area Network EQ-081 0 33,100 28,000 13,500 14,000 88,600 Fine Grader - Tractor Attachment EQ-082 0 10,000 10,000 CSO Truck EQ-083 0 30,000 30,000 Major Equipment Total 916,000 842,900 871,100 1,689,300 945,400 5,264,700 IMunicipal Buildings , Public Works Facility Improvements MB-003 0 220,000 3,700,000 3,920,000 Siding and Backing Replacement MB-008 0 20,000 20,000 Department Project# Priority 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Fire Station 3 MB-009 0 3,500,000 3,500,000 City Hall Remodel MB-010 0 125,000 125,000 Municipal Buildings Total 220,000 3,700,000 20,000 3,625,000 7,565,000 IPark & Trail Improvements ~ Hwy 101 North Trail Connection PK&T-029 0 114,000 114,000 Phase" Playground:Roundhouse Park PK&T-037 0 30,000 30,000 Phase" Playground:Sugarbush Park PK& T-038 0 30,000 30,000 Phase II Playground:Power Hill Park PK&T-041 0 30,000 30,000 Picnic Tables/Park Benches PK&T-042 0 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 Trees PK& T-043 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 Arboretum Business Park Lot 12 Trail PK&T-047 0 190,000 190,000 Athletic Field Lighting (2 fields) PK&T-065 0 150,000 150,000 Power Hill Park Trail PK&T-066 0 75,000 75,000 Lake Ann Park 'Parkview" Picnic Shelter PK&T-068 0 95,000 95,000 Hwy 41 Pedestrian UnderpasslTrail Grant Match PK&T-069 0 125,000 125,000 Tennis Court Repair PK& T-072 0 45,000 45,000 Mtka Middle School West Tennis Court Project PK&T-073 0 30,000 30,000 Rice Marsh Lake Trail PK&T-074 0 350,000 350,000 Liberty at Creekside Trail PK&T-075 0 175,000 175,000 The Preserve Trail and Bridge PK&T-076 0 450,000 450,000 Lakeside Trail (Lyman Boulevard) PK&T-077 0 60,000 60,000 Pioneer Pass Park Acquisition PK&T-078 0 170,000 170,000 Park & Trail Improvements Total 576,000 185,000 636,000 486,000 291,000 2,174,000 IPlanning I Update of Comprehensive Plan PL-001 0 120,000 30,000 150,000 Planning Total 120,000 30,000 150,000 ISanitary Sewer Improvements I Inflow and Infiltration Abatement SS-012 0 210,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,010,000 Sanitary Sewer Replacement SS-014 0 230,000 250,000 250,000 730,000 Sanitary Lift Station Rehabilitation Program SS-017 0 265,000 50,000 50,000 55,000 55,000 475,000 Dell Roadl77th Street Forcemain Replacement SS-018 0 125,000 125,000 2010 MUSA Sanitary Lift Station SS-020 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 Sanitary Sewer Improvements Total 705,000 500,000 375,000 2,005,000 255,000 3,840,000 IStreet Improvements , West 78th St Streetlig hts ST-001 0 300,000 300,000 Lyman Boulevard Improvements ('IT"n/l") 0 9,100,000 9, 100,000 "'wUV,", Annual Street Improvement Program ST-012 0 4,436,000 4,100,000 1,300,000 1,900,000 1,200,000 12,936,000 TH 101 Corridor Preservation Planning ST-017 0 150,000 150,000 Pavement Management ST-018 0 385,000 385,000 385,000 385,000 385,000 1,925,000 TH 5 Corridor Study - TH 41 to TH 212 ST-019 0 10,000 10,000 Street Improvements Total 4,831,000 4,635,000 10,785,000 2,285,000 1,885,000 24,421,000 [Surface Water Management , SWMP Implementation SWMP-012 0 450,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,650,000 Property Acquisition SWMP-014 0 245,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 845,000 Department Project# Priority 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Street Improvement Projects - Storm Water Mgmt SWMP-019 0 640,000 300,000 150,000 1,090,000 Leaf Vacuum SWMP-021 0 40,000 40,000 Excavator SWMP-022 0 70,000 70,000 Vactor, Used SWMP-023 0 200,000 200,000 Bluff Cr. Nat. Resources Mgmt Plan Implementation SWMP-024 0 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Lake Minnewashta Outlet SWMP-026 0 30,000 30,000 Natural Resources Stewardship Plan SWMP-027 0 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 Water truck boom sprayer SWMP-028 0 8,500 8,500 Surface Water Management Total 1,543,500 870,000 770,000 960,000 670,000 4,813,500 IWater System Improvements I Repainting: West 76th St. Water Tower W-015 0 80,000 80,000 Arboretum Water Main W-020 0 20,000 200,000 220,000 Watermain Replacement W-024 0 660,000 660,000 700,000 2,020,000 Well #4 Improvements W-025 0 350,000 350,000 Pressure Reducing Station 8 W-027 0 65,000 65,000 Well Rehabilitation Program W-032 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 210,000 TH 101 Trunk Watermain Replacement W-033 0 200,000 200,000 Well Head Protection Plan Update W-036 0 30,000 30,000 Stand by Generator for wells W-038 0 120,000 120,000 Water System Improvements Total 995,000 820,000 490,000 945,000 45,000 3,295,000 GRAND TOTAL 9,906,500 11,582,900 13,947,100 11,995,300 4,091,400 51,523,200 City of Chanhassen, MN Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 FUNDING SOURCE SUMMARY Source 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Abatement District Funds 5,000,000 5,000,000 Assessment Bonds 1,009,000 1,009,000 Assessment/Revolving Assessment Fund 2,936,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 1,200,000 8,636,000 Cable TV Fund 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Capital Replacement Fund 824,000 832,900 820,100 804,300 865,400 4,146,700 Developer Assessments 1,000,000 1,000,000 General Fund 50,000 30,000 80,000 GO Bonds 220,000 2,800,000 4,500,000 7,520,000 MSA 644,250 2,667,125 417,125 117,125 417,125 4,262,750 Other Agency Contribution 100,000 1,731,000 1,831,000 Park Dedication Fund 777,000 185,000 636,000 486,000 291,000 2,375,000 Reforestation 58,500 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 138,500 Sewer Utility Fund 755,000 1,200,000 429,000 2,005,000 325,000 4,714,000 Surface Water Utility Fund 1,334,000 1,050,000 1,450,000 940,000 650,000 5,424,000 Tax Levy 250,750 267,875 267,875 267,875 267,875 1,322,250 Water Utility Fund 1,047,000 820,000 1,157,000 945,000 45,000 4,014,000 GRAND TOTAL 9,906,500 11,582,900 13,947,100 11,995,300 4,091,400 51,523,200 City of Chanhassen, MN Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE Source Project# Priority 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total IAbatement District Funds I Lyman Boulevard Improvements ST-003 0 5,000,000 5,000,000 Abatement District Funds Total 5,000,000 5,000,000 ~-------~- I Assessment Bonds Lyman Boulevard Improvements ST-003 0 1,009,000 1,009,000 Assessment Bonds Total 1,009,000 1,009,000 IAssessmentIRevolving Assessment Fun I Annual Street Improvement Program ST-012 0 2,936,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 1,200,000 8,636,000 Assessment/Revolving Assessment Fund 2,936,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 1,200,000 8,636,000 Total jCable TV Fund I AudioNisual Equipment EQ-026 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Cable TV Fund Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 ICapital Replacement Fund I Fire Dept.: SCBA Equipment EQ-004 0 70,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 300,000 385,000 Laptop Computers EQ-009 0 50,000 50,000 PPE: Turnout/Helmets EQ-010 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 Computer/Network Equipment Purchases/Upgrades EQ-013 0 103,000 106,700 96,100 105,200 104,600 515,600 Telecommunication Purchases/Upgrades EQ-014 0 10,400 5,000 7,000 24,000 46,400 Community Dev.: Light Duty Trucks EQ-015 0 26,000 30,000 55,000 28,000 29,000 168,000 Dump/Plow Truck Replacements/Additions EQ-016 0 153,000 161,000 338,000 371,800 1,023,800 Vibratory Roll Packer EQ-019 0 45,000 45,000 Equipment Trailers EQ-021 0 25,000 25,000 Tar Kettle EQ-022 0 30,000 30,000 Ford 555C Backhoe 1=n-'I?? 0 80,000 80,000 1-~-VLv Line Striper EQ-025 0 9,000 9,000 Groundsmaster 580 Mower Replacement EQ-028 0 82,000 82,000 Light Duty Trucks: Public Works EQ-029 0 31,000 32,000 31,000 94,000 Park Bobcat Snow Accessories EQ-030 0 7,000 7,000 Grounds Mower Replacement EQ-034 0 37,000 37,000 Tractor & Broom EQ-036 0 84,000 84,000 Mailing Folderllnserter EQ-041 0 20,000 20,000 Software Purchases EQ-048 0 36,100 55,600 22,000 13,000 22, 000 148,700 Computerized Records Retention System EQ-049 0 9,500 9,500 30,000 8,600 9,000 66,600 Light Duty Trucks: Parks EQ-052 0 98,000 33,000 65,000 196,000 Source Pro.iect# Priority 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Cushman Trail Vehicle & Sprayer: Parks EQ-053 0 24,000 24,000 Fire Vehicles EQ-054 0 85,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 205,000 Aerial Photography for City GIS Datasets EQ-055 0 20,000 20,000 Front-End Loaders EQ-056 0 160,000 170,000 330,000 Sander EQ-058 0 8,000 8,000 Skid loader Planer EQ-061 0 15,000 15,000 Administration Vehicle EQ-063 0 25,000 25,000 Engineering Vehicles EQ-065 0 58,000 58,000 Storage Area Network EQ-081 0 33,100 28,000 13,500 14,000 88,600 Fine Grader - Tractor Attachment EQ-082 0 10,000 10,000 CSO Truck EQ-083 0 30,000 30,000 Siding and Backing Replacement MB-008 0 20,000 20,000 City Hall Remodel MB-010 0 125,000 125,000 Capital Replacement Fund Total 824,000 832,900 820,100 804,300 865,400 4,146,700 jDeveloper Assessments I Annual Street Improvement Program ST-012 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 Developer Assessments Total 1,000,000 1,000,000 IGeneral Fund I Update of Comprehensive Plan PL -001 0 50,000 30,000 80,000 General Fund Total 50,000 30,000 80,000 IGO Bonds ~ Fire Station 3 Vehicles and Equipment EQ-068 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 Public Works Facility Improvements MB-003 0 220,000 2,800,000 3,020,000 Fire Station 3 MB-009 0 3,500,000 3,500,000 GO Bonds Total 220,000 2,800,000 4,500,000 7,520,000 IMSA I West 78th St Streetlights ST-001 0 300,000 300,000 Annual Street Improvement Program ST-012 0 500,000 2,500,000 300,000 3,300,000 TH 101 Corridor Preservation Planning ST-017 0 50,000 50,000 Pavement Management ST-018 0 134,250 117,125 117,125 117,125 117,125 602,750 TH 5 Corridor Study - TH 41 to TH 212 ST-019 0 10,000 10,000 MSA Total 644,250 2,667,125 417,125 117,125 417,125 4,262,750 IOther Agency Contribution I. . Lyman Boulevard Improvements ST-003 0 1,731,000 1,731,000 TH 101 Corridor Preservation Planning ST-017 0 100,000 100,000 Other Agency Contribution Total 100,000 1,731,000 1,831,000 IPark Dedication Fund I Veterans Monument EQ-080 0 50,000 50,000 Hwy 101 North Trail Connection PK&T-029 0 114,000 114,000 Phase" Playground:Roundhouse Park PK&T-037 0 30,000 30,000 Source Pro.iect# Priority 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Phase II Playground:Sugarbush Park PK&T-038 0 30,000 30,000 Phase II Playground:power Hill Park PK&T-041 0 30,000 30,000 Picnic Tables/Park Benches PK&T-042 0 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 Trees PK&T-043 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 Arboretum Business Park Lot 12 Trail PK&T-047 0 190,000 190,000 Athletic Field Lighting (2 fields) PK&T-065 0 150,000 150,000 Power Hill Park Trail PK&T-066 0 75,000 75,000 Lake Ann Park "Parkview" Picnic Shelter PK&T-068 0 95,000 95,000 Hwy 41 Pedestrian Underpassrrrail Grant Match PK&T-069 0 125,000 125,000 Tennis Court Repair PK&T-072 0 45,000 45,000 Mtka Middle School West Tennis Court Project PK&T-073 0 30,000 30,000 Rice Marsh Lake Trail PK&T-074 0 350,000 350,000 Liberty at Creekside Trail PK&T-075 0 175,000 175,000 The Preserve Trail and Bridge PK&T-076 0 450,000 450,000 Lakeside Trail (Lyman Boulevard) PK&T-077 0 60,000 60,000 Pioneer Pass Park Acquisition PK&T-078 0 170,000 170,000 Property Acquisition SWMP-014 0 151,000 151,000 Park Dedication Fund Total 777,000 185,000 636,000 486,000 291,000 2,375,000 IReforestation I Natural Resources Stewardship Plan SWMP-027 0 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 Water truck boom sprayer SWMP-028 0 8,500 8,500 Reforestation Total 58,500 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 138,500 ISewer Utility Fund , Light Duty Trucks: Utilities EQ-062 0 54,000 70,000 124,000 Public Works Facility Improvements MB-003 0 700,000 700,000 Update of Comprehensive Plan PL-001 0 50,000 50,000 Inflow and Infiltration Abatement SS-012 0 210,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,010,000 Sanitary Sewer Replacement SS-014 0 230,000 250,000 250,000 730,000 Sanitary Lift Station Rehabilitation Program SS-017 0 265,000 50,000 50,000 55,000 55,000 475,000 Dell Road177th Street Forcemain Replacement SS-018 0 125,000 125,000 2010 MUSA Sanitary Lift Station SS-020 0 1 ,500,000 1,500,000 Sewer Utility Fund Total 755,000 1,200,000 429,000 2,005,000 325,000 4,714,000 ISurface Water Utility Fund I Public Works Facility Improvements MB-003 0 200,000 200,000 Lyman Boulevard Improvements ST-003 0 700,000 700,000 SWMP Implementation SWMP-012 0 450,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,650,000 Property Acquisition SWMP-014 0 94,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 ROd nnn .........,"''''v Street Improvement Projects - Storm Water Mgmt SWMP-019 0 640,000 300,000 150,000 1,090,000 Leaf Vacuum SWMP-021 0 40,000 40,000 Excavator SWMP-022 0 70,000 70,000 Vactor, Used SWMP-023 0 200,000 200,000 Bluff Cr. Nat. Resources Mgmt Plan Implementation SWMP-024 0 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Lake Minnewashta Outlet SWMP-026 0 30,000 30,000 Surface Water Utility Fund Total 1,334,000 1,050,000 1,450,000 940,000 650,000 5,424,000 ITax Levy I Source Project# Priority 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Pavement Management ST-018 0 250,750 267,875 267,875 267,875 267,875 1,322,250 Tax Levy Total 250,750 267,875 267,875 267,875 267,875 1,322,250 IWater Utility Fund I Sewer Bobcat Snow Accessories EQ-031 0 7,000 7,000 Light Duty Trucks: Utilities EQ-062 0 32,000 32,000 Update of Comprehensive Plan PL-001 0 20,000 20,000 Lyman Boulevard Improvements ST-003 0 660,000 660,000 Repainting: West 76th St. Water Tower W-015 0 80,000 80,000 Arboretum Water Main W-020 0 20,000 200,000 220,000 Watermain Replacement W-024 0 660,000 660,000 700,000 2,020,000 Well #4 Improvements W-025 0 350,000 350,000 Pressure Reducing Station 8 W-027 0 65,000 65,000 Well Rehabilitation Program W-032 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 210,000 TH 101 Trunk Watermain Replacement W-033 0 200,000 200,000 Well Head Protection Plan Update W-036 0 30,000 30,000 Stand by Generator for wells W-038 0 120,000 120,000 Water Utility Fund Total 1,047,000 820,000 1,157,000 945,000 45,000 4,014,000 GRAND TOTAL 9,906,500 11,582,900 13,947,100 11,995,300 4,091,400 51,523,200 Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-004 Project Name Fire Dept.: SCBA Equipment 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4115-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life 20 years Category Fire Priority n/a Total Project Cost $390,000 Account #2 Description I This program is to provide additional SCBA bottles and upgrade air packs as needed. Justification I SCBA packs will be 20 years old in 2011. Replacement will bring packs to new standards. Bottles replaced in 2007 due to DOT/NFPA expiration will be traded in or used with new packs if the same brand is purchased. Prior 5,000 I Total Expenditures Equipment 2007 70,000 70,000 2008 5,000 5,000 2009 5,000 5,000 2010 5,000 5,000 2011 300,000 300,000 Total 385,000 385,000 Total Prior 5,000 , Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 70,000 70,000 2008 5,000 5,000 2009 5,000 5,000 2010 5,000 5,000 2011 300,000 300,000 Total 385,000 385,000 Operational Impact/Other This assists the department on emergency scenes and helps reduce on-scene times by eliminating the need to shuttle bottles from the scene to the fire station for re-filling. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-009 Project Name Laptop Computers 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4127-4703 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life 7-10 years Category Fire Priority nla Totat Project Cost $50,000 Account #2 Description I Involves installing laptops in all front-line vehicles to enable responding personnel to access building pre-plans, hazardous materials data, hydrant and other utility maps, address locations, etc. Justification I The project will enhance Fire Department operations, all owing for increased safety as a result of easy access to important information. It will also make it easier to find best routes and/or alternative routes when responding to emergencies. Expenditures Office Equipment 2007 2008 2009 2010 50,000 50,000 2011 Total 50,000 50,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 50,000 50,000 2011 Total 50,000 50,000 Operational Impact/Other I There should be no operational impact from this purchase. The current maintenance budget will accommodate for this addition. Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Major Equipment Project # EQ-OIO Type Unassigned Useful Life 20 years Project Name PPE: Turnout/Helmets Category Fire Account # 1 400-4105-4705 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $75,000 Description I Replacement of 3-5 sets per year as a result of damage received from firefighting activities. The city will also provide new members with new gear after they complete their probationary period. Justification I Turnout gear lasts approximately 5-7 years on average. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Maintenance 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 Total 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Capital Replacement Fund 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 Total 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 Operational Impact/Other I There should be no operational impact from this purchase. The current maintenance budget will accommodate for this addition. I I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Project # EQ-013 I'roject Name Computer/Network Equipment PurchaseslUpgrades Account # 1 400-4126-4703 Account # 3 Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Administration Priority n/a Acconnt #2 Description I Funds the purchase of replacement user and network computers, printers, peripherals, and networking hardware. The replacement schedule was adopted in 1999 and is subject to modifications by the MIS Coordinator with approval from the City Manager and department heads. Total Project Cost $515,600 Justification 1 Budgeting and purchasing computer equipment through this project allows the city greater flexibility to direct equipment to where it is needed the most, rather than in individual budgets. The replacement schedule was developed in 1998 by the MIS Coordinator and was approved by the 1999 council appointed IT task force. Expenditures in the 2007 budget request are for replacement of 2 servers, 10 PCs, 3 workstations, 7 notebook PCs and the primary tape backup device. Replaced equipment will be recycled if possible or otherwise sold on the city public surplus auction site. Replacement Schedule 3-5 Years - Personal Computers and Network Servers 4-8 Years - Network Printers Expenditures Office Equipment 2007 103,000 103,000 2008 106,700 106,700 2009 96,100 96,100 2010 105,200 105,200 2011 104,600 104,600 Total 515,600 515,600 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund 2007 103,000 103,000 2008 106,700 106,700 2009 96,100 96,100 2010 105,200 105,200 2011 104,600 104,600 Total 515,600 515,600 Total I Op"",tional ImpactlO1her I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-014 Project Name Telecommunication PurchaseslUpgrades 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4]0]-4703 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life 5-7 years Category Administration Priority nla Total Project Cost $46,400 Account #2 Description I This project funds the expansion and upgrades to the city telephone systems excluding cellular equipment which remains an individual department budget item. The current system is an Intertel Axxess PBX which serves City Hall, Public Works, the main fire Station, the Recreation Center and the Water Treatment Plant. A new call accounting application will be installed in 2007. Equipment will be installed to permit conferencing in the three conference rooms. Justification I The city PBX server hardware and software will continue to be upgraded as needed for additional capacity and for related support issues. Replacement handset will be used to replace spare phones that were assigned to new rooms in 2006. POIP will be provided for phones in the Treatment Facility. Conferencing phones are being added to facilitate web based conferences, training and demos. Expenditures Office Equipment 2007 10,400 10,400 2008 5,000 5,000 2009 7,000 7,000 2010 24,000 24,000 2011 Total 46,400 46,400 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund 2007 10,400 10,400 2008 5,000 5,000 2009 7,000 7,000 2010 24,000 24,000 2011 Total 46,400 46,400 Total Operational Impact/Other The 5 year warranty period, which was purchased with the current phone system will expire in November of2006. The MIS operational budget now reflects an annual maintenance cost of roughly $8500. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-015 Project Name Community Dev.: Light Duty Trucks 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Account # 1 400-4107-4704 Account # 3 Type Vehicles Useful Life Unassigned Category Community Development Priority nla Account #2 Description I Provides for scheduled replacements, starting in 200 I. These purchases are consistent with the Vehicle Replacement Schedule. Replacement units are generally purchased early in the year to accommodate the time frames established by Hennepin County and the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Program. Total Project Cost $168,000 Justification J These vehicles are used to provide building inspection services throughout the community. The average replacement age is over 10 years. Expenditures Vehicles 2007 26,000 26,000 2008 30,000 30,000 2009 55,000 55,000 2010 28,000 28,000 2011 29,000 29,000 Total 168,000 168,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 26,000 26,000 2008 30,000 30,000 2009 55,000 55,000 2010 28,000 28,000 2011 29,000 29,000 Total 168,000 168,000 Operational Impact/Other I These purchases will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the vehicles replaced. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN EQ-016 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4108-4704 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Vehicles Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Priority nla Total Project Cost $1,023,800 Project # Project Name Dump/Plow Truck Replacements/Additions Acconnt #2 Description I These purchases are required to maintain a reliable truck fleet. Costs include truck chassis, dump box, hydraulic system, snow wing, snow plow and sander. Truck chassis costs are higher due to new federal mandated anti-lock braking requirements effective since 2000. These vehicles are purchased using either the Hennepin County or State of MN cooperative bid systems. Orders for truck chassis are typically required to be placed up to one year in advance of delivery Justification I These vehicles are used to provide a variety of maintenance services throughout the community including winter response for plowing and hauling snow. The average replacement age is 16.5 years. Winter emergency service necessitates these vehicles be reliable and dependable. Growth in the community creates additional work for these trucks. These vehicle purchases are consistent with the Vehicle Replacement Schedule. Expenditures Vehicles 2007 153,000 153,000 2008 161,000 161,000 2009 338,000 338,000 2010 2011 371,800 371,800 Total 1,023,800 1,023,800 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 153,000 153,000 2008 161,000 161,000 2009 338,000 338,000 2010 2011 371,800 371,800 Total 1,023,800 1,023,800 Operational Impact/Other These purchases will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the vehicles replaced. Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 City ofChanhassen, MN Project # EQ-019 Project Name Vibratory Roll Packer Account #2 Coutact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Priority nla Total Project Cost $45,000 Aceount # 1 400-0000-4704 Account # 3 Description 1 Purchase is scheduled to replace the 1987 Rosco Vibratory Roll Packer. The purchase is consistent with the Vehicle Replacement Schedule. Justification I This machine is used extensively in the patching and overlaying of City streets. The unit will be 21 years old at the time of replacement. Expenditures Vehicles 2007 2008 45,000 45,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 45,000 45,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 45,000 45,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 45,000 45,000 Operational Impact/Other This purchase will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the machine replaced. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Project # EQ-021 Project Name Equipment Trailers Acconnt # 1 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Priority n/a Account #2 Description I Provides for replacement of an existing and the addition of a 20,000 Ib (10 ton) capacity tandem axle trailer. Total Project Cost $25,000 Justification I These trailers are used extensively in the paving operation to transport the paver machine, roll packer, skidloader and other equipment to and from the job sites. The utility and parks departments also utilize this trailer for their work. The existing trailer is 20 years old. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 25,000 25,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 25,000 25,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 25,000 25,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 25,000 25,000 Operational Impact/Other Both purchases include a limited warranty. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-022 Project Name Tar Kettle 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Prio rity n/a Total Project Cost $30,000 Accollnt #2 Description I Provides for replacement of the existing tar kettle. Justification I The existing tar kettle is used extensively in the pavement maintenance operations. Due to the nature of its use, the life expectancy of this unit is limited. The kettle was purchased in 1997 and will be 11 years old at the time of trade-in. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 30,000 30,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 30,000 30,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 30,000 30,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 30,000 30,000 Operational Impact/Other J This purchase will include a limited warranty and will eliminate an expensive overhaul on the existing unit. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-023 Project Name Ford 555C Backhoe 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4111-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Priority n/a Total Project Cost $80,000 Account #2 Description I Provides for the replacement of an existing 1989 Tractor Backhoe. Justification I The tractor backhoe is used extensively in maintenance operations. The backhoe is sometimes used by the Utility Department for watermain breaks and utility replacement projects. The Parks Department also uses the backhoe for their projects. This purchase is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 2009 80,000 80,000 2010 2011 Total 80,000 80,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 2009 80,000 80,000 2010 2011 Total 80,000 80,000 Operational Impact/Other This purchase will include a limited warranty and wiI\ reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the machine replaced. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Project Name Line Striper Account # 1 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Priority nfa Total Project Cost $9,000 Project # EQ-025 Accollnt #2 Description I Provides for the replacement of an existing line-striping machine. Justification J This machine is used to paint pavement markings and stripe lanes on roads. This purchase will ensure timely and reliable pavement marking operations. The purchase is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 2009 2010 9,000 9,000 2011 Total 9,000 9,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund 2007 2008 2009 2010 9,000 9,000 2011 Total 9,000 9,000 Total Operational Impact/Other This purchase will include a limited warranty. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 210-0000-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Administration Priority nla Project # EQ-026 Project Name AudioNisual Equipment Account #2 Description I Provides for the systematic maintenance and upgrading of audio/visual equipment. Total Project Cost $50,000 Justification 1 The original NY equipment was purchased in 1989, with the remainder purchased in 1994. This project cans for the systematic maintenance and upgrading ofthe NY equipment and additional equipment as new technology develops. Potential projects include: replacing the spotlight system in the Council Chambers and staff microphones. These replacements will ensure the quality of official City meetings and video productions. Expenditures Maintenance 2007 10,000 10,000 2008 10,000 10,000 2009 10,000 10,000 2010 10,000 10,000 2011 10,000 10,000 Total 50,000 50,000 Total Funding Sources Cable TV Fund 2007 10,000 10,000 2008 10,000 10,000 2009 10,000 10,000 2010 10,000 10,000 2011 10,000 10,000 Total 50,000 50,000 Total Operational Impact/Other This purchase will include a limited warranty. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-028 Project Name Groundsmaster 580 Mower Replacement 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Park Priority n/a Total Project Cost $82,000 Account #2 Description I Provides for the replacement of an existing TOTO 580, 15 foot, high volume grounds mower. Justification -' The City currently has 3 high-production grounds mowers that cut a 15' pass. Each machine is used daily during the growing season and takes the place of 2 1/2 smaller machines used by the City. Due to additional park development, an additional high-capacity machine is needed. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 82,000 82,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 82,000 82,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund 2007 2008 82,000 82,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 82,000 82,000 Total Operational Impact/Other This purchase will include a limited warranty and reduce maintenance and repair expenses as compared to the unit replaced. Also, each of these machines takes the place of2 1/2 smaller machines and makes the mowing operation 150% more efficient. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-029 Project Name Light Duty Trucks: Public Works 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4120-4704 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Vehicles Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Priority nfa Total Project Cost $94,000 Account #2 Description I Provides for scheduled replacement of light duty trucks in the street and garage departments. Replacement units are generally purchased early in the year in order to accommodate the time frames established by Hennepin County and the State ofMN Cooperative Purchasing Program. Justification I These vehicles are used for a variety of services throughout the community. The average replacement age is 13 years. These purchases are consistent with the Vehicle Replacement Program. Expenditures Vehicles 2007 31,000 31,000 2008 32,000 32,000 2009 31,000 31,000 2010 2011 Total 94,000 94,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 31,000 31,000 2008 32,000 32,000 2009 31,000 31,000 2010 2011 Total 94,000 94,000 Operational Impact/Other These purchases will include a limited warranty and will reduce annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the vehicles replaced. Capital Improvement Program City ofChanhassen, MN Project # EQ-030 Project Name Park Bobcat Snow Accessories 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Park Priority nla Total Project Cost $7,000 Account #2 Description l Provides for replacement of parts for an existing Bobcat Snow Blower. Justification I The existing unit will be 15 years old and is at the end of its useful life. Rebuilding is not cost effective. This purchase is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. Expenditures Equipment 2007 7,000 7,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 7,000 7,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 7,000 7,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 7,000 7,000 Operational Impact/Other This purchase will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the existing unit. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-031 Project Name Sewer Bobcat Snow Accessories 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 700-0000-4705 Account #2 70] -0000-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Improvement Useful Life 10-15 years Category Utilities Priority n/a Total Project Cost $7,000 Description I The snowblower attachment is nearing its useful life and needs replacement. Justification I This equipment is necessary for cleaning snow from water and sewer locations. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 2009 7,000 7,000 2010 2011 Total 7,000 7,000 Total Funding Sources Water Utility Fund 2007 2008 2009 7,000 7,000 2010 2011 Total 7,000 7,000 Total I Openltional ImpacVOthor I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-034 Project Name Grounds Mower Replacement 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Park Priority nla Total Project Cost $37,000 Acconnt #2 Description I Provides for replacement of lawn mowers. Justification I With the amount of parkland consistently growing, there is increased wear and tear on the City's lawn mowers. They are 12-16 years old and are not dependable. Rebuilding is not cost effective. This is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Program. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 37,000 37,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 37,000 37,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 37,000 37,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 37,000 37,000 Operational Impact/Other This purchase will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the existing unit. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-036 Project Name Tractor & Broom 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4111-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life 10-15 years Category Street Equipment Priority nla Total Project Cost $84,000 Account #2 Description I Provides for replacement of a Tractor ($55,000) with a broom attachment ($9,000) and side and rear mowers($20,000). Justification I This tractor is used year round for mowing and snow removal on the skating rinks and trails. This purchase is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. Expenditures Equipment 2007 84,000 84,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 84,000 84,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 84,000 84,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 84,000 84,000 Operational Impact/Other This purchase will not increase maintenance and repair expenses. Capital Improvement Program City ofChanhassen, MN Project # EQ-041 Project Name Mailing Folder/Inserter 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4114-4703 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Administration Priority n/a Account #2 Description 1 This is a replacement for the existing Folder/Inserter in the Administration Department. bulk mailings. It will be used more after the utility bill format is changed. Total Project Cost $20,000 It is used for folding and mailing all city-wide and smaller Justification 1 We are leasing the current machine with no option to purchase. The cost is higher than the cost to lease a new machine with a purchase option for a dollar at the end of the lease at a financing rate of 18%. It makes more economic sense for us to purchase the machine at the city's cost of capital of 6% and finance it over four or five years through the issuance of equipment certificates. Expenditures Office Equipment 2007 2008 2009 2010 20,000 20,000 2011 Total 20,000 20,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 20,000 20,000 2011 Total 20,000 20,000 Operational Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Project # EQ-048 Project Name Software Purchases Account # 1 400-4117-4707 Account # 3 Account #2 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life 5-7 years Category Administration Priority nla Total Project Cost $148,700 Description I This project funds the purchase of new software for all city departments that is not specifically associated with a specific individual project. Annual support and license fees for existing software applications are funded out of account 1160-4300. Justification I The majority of funds requested in this account are for Microsoft software upgrades. The 2006 budget reflected a purchase of Microsoft Office 2007 upgrades for the entire userbase, and an upgrade to Exchange 2007 Both products were expected to be available in 2006. Microsoft has pushed the release dates for both products to early 2007. An enterprise software agreement has been established by the State with Microsoft, which is now available to cities. The 2007 capital budget reflects the initial purchase of Office under that agreement, which covers support and all future upgrades. Years 2-6 would be funded out ofthe operational budget. Expenditures Office Equipment 2007 36,100 36,100 2008 55,600 55,600 2009 22,000 22,000 2010 13,000 13,000 Total 2011 22,000 22,000 Total 148,700 148,700 Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 36,100 36,100 2008 55,600 55,600 2009 22,000 22,000 2010 13,000 13,000 2011 22,000 22,000 Total 148,100 148,700 Operational Impact/Other The Microsoft enterprise agreement will add $13,000 to the 4300 account in the operational budget each year for the next 5 years. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-049 Project Name Computerized Records Retention System 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4124-4703 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Administration Priority n/a Total Project Cost $66,600 Account #2 Description I This project originally funded the purchase of an electronic records retention system. The project is now used to fund its expansion and the replacement of scanning equipment, which has a useful life expectancy of 3 to 4 years. The black and white scanner purchased in 2002 is being replaced with a faster color scanner. Justification I This system allows for quick and simultaneous retrieval of documents from any computer on the city network. Both document storage space and the occurrence of lost or misfiled documents will be significantly reduced. In addition, documents specified for public access are available from any internet capable computer. Efforts will continue to integrate the imaging system with mapping, permitting and financial applications. Expenditures Office Equipment 2007 9,500 9,500 2008 9,500 9,500 2009 30,000 30,000 2010 8,600 8,600 2011 9,000 9,000 Total 66,600 66,600 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 9,500 9,500 2008 9,500 9,500 2009 30,000 30,000 2010 8,600 8,600 2011 9,000 9,000 Total 66,600 66,600 Operational Impact/Other Tthere are no operational impacts for erp purchases in this project for 2007 Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-0000-4704 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Vehicles Useful Life Unassigned Category Park Priority nla Total Project Cost $196,000 Project # EQ-052 Project Name Light Duty Trucks: Parks Account #2 Description I Provides for scheduled replacement of light duty trucks in the Park Maintenance Department. Justification I These vehicles are used for multiple park maintenancer operations including towing mowers, bobcat, snowplowing, sanding, etc. The average replacement age of these vehicles is 13.5 yrs. Expenditures Vehicles 2007 2008 98,000 98,000 2009 33,000 33,000 2010 65,000 65,000 2011 Total 196,000 196,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 98,000 98,000 2009 33,000 33,000 2010 65,000 65,000 2011 Total 196,000 196,000 I Operational Impa.VOther I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Park Priority nfa Total Project Cost $24,000 Project # EQ-053 Project Name Cushman Trail Vehicle & Sprayer: Parks Account #2 Description I This vehicle is used for park trail cleanup and maintenance. Justification I This replaces a 1990 model. Expenditures Equipment 2007 24,000 Total 24,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 24,000 24,000 Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 24,000 24,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 24,000 24,000 I Op.",tiOna! ImpactlO1h", I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-054 Project Name Fire Vehicles 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4135-4704 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Vehicles Useful Life 10-15 years Category Fire Priority n/a Total Project Cost $205,000 Accollnt #2 Description 1 This item allows for the replacement of existing equipment. Vehicles are purchased off either the Hennepin County or State of Minnesota cooperative bid. Orders are typically required to be placed up to one (I) year in advance of delivery. Justification I As vehicles age they become less reliable. Also, they require more costly maintenance. Vehicles proposed for replacement are: Unit 219 - 1988 chev I ton (2007) $85,000 Unit 703 - 1999 Explorer (2008) $40,000 Unit 207 - 1995 Astro Van (2009) $40,000 Unit 706 - 1997 Expedition (2010) $40,000 Expenditures Vehicles 2007 85,000 85,000 2008 40,000 40,000 2009 40,000 40,000 2010 40,000 40,000 2011 Total 205,000 205,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 85,000 85,000 2008 40,000 40,000 2009 40,000 40,000 2010 40,000 40,000 2011 Total 205,000 205,000 Operational Impact/Other These purchases will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs. The electrical work on the Aerial Truck will correct an existing problem that has been a concern of the mechanics for some time. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # I 400-0000-4752 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Improvement Useful Life 5-7 years Category Administration Priority nla Total Project Cost $20,000 Project # EQ-055 I)roject Name Aerial Photography for City GIS Datasets Account #2 Description I This expenditure is to fly the city in new development areas. The last time aerials were taken was in 2005. It is anticipated this project will partner with Carver County. Justification I City Planners, Engineers and Utility staff use this data in conjunction with other GIS datasets to help resolve geographical issues with residents, and contractors without repeated site visits. It has also proven useful to the police and fire departments when conducting area searches for missing persons. The Engineering Department uses this information to plan for future projects and helps in the preliminary designs. Expenditures Maintenance 2007 2008 2009 20,000 20,000 2010 2011 Total 20,000 20,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 2009 20,000 20,000 2010 2011 Total 20,000 20,000 I Operational ImpacUOther I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-056 Project Name Front-End Loaders 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Account # I 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Priority n/a Account #2 Description I This item replaces the front-end loaders used in street maintenance. This loader is used very frequently at the shop. The loader was purchased in 1971 and will be 36 years old at the time of trade-in. The loader is also used for plowing residential streets. Total Project Cost $330,000 Justification I The loader requires more frequent and expensive repairs. Replacement parts are hard to find. Expenditures Equipment 2007 160,000 160,000 2008 2009 2010 170,000 170,000 2011 Total 330,000 330,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 160,000 160,000 2008 2009 2010 170,000 170,000 2011 Total 330,000 330,000 I Operationa1lmpacVOther I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN I Project # EQ-058 PrOject Name Sander Account # 1 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 2007 thru 2011 Account #2 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Park Priority nla Totat Project Cost $8,000 Description I This sander attachment is scheduled to be replaced. Justification I This is scheduled based on equipment age. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 8,000 8,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 8,000 8,000 Total Funding Sources 2007 Capital Replacement Fund Total 2008 8,000 8,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 8,000 8,000 Operational Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Priority nfa Total Project Cost $15,000 Project # EQ-061 Project Name Skid loader Planer Account #2 Description 1 This bobcat attachment is to be used for grinding out distressed pavement areas for patching. This attachment is used extensively during the summer to remove distressed pavement areas for patching. Justification 1 This is necessary for effective pavement patching. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 15,000 15,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 15,000 15,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund 2007 2008 15,000 15,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 15,000 15,000 Total I Op.nltional Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City of Chanhassen, MN Department Major Equipment EQ-062 Type Vehicles Project # Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Light Duty Trucks: Utilities Category Utilities Account # 1 700-0000-4704 2007 Account # 3 701-0000-4704 2011 Priority nla Account #2 701-0000-4704 2009 Total Project Cost $156,000 Description I This allows for replacement of existing vehicles in the Water and Sewer department. Justification I This replaces pickups in accordance with the vehicle replacement plan. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Vehicles 32,000 54,000 70,000 156,000 Total 32,000 54,000 70,000 156,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Sewer Utility Fund 54,000 70,000 124,000 Water Utility Fund 32,000 32,000 Total 32,000 54,000 70,000 156,000 I Operational ImpaclIOtber I I I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City ofChanhassen, MN Department Major Equipment Project # EQ-063 Type Vehicles Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Administration Vehicle Category Administration Account # 1 400-0000-4704 Account # 3 Priority nla Account #2 Total Project Cost $25,000 Description I This allows for replacement of an existing vehicle for City Hall. Justification I This replaces a vehicle in accordance with the vehicle replacement plan. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Vehicles 25,000 25,000 Total 25,000 25,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Capital Replacement Fund 25,000 25,000 Total 25,000 25,000 I Operational ImpaclIOther I I I I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-065 Project Name Engineering Vehicles Account # 1 400-0000-4704 2007 thru 2011 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Vehicles Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Priority nla Total Project Cost $58,000 Account #2 Description I The engineering van was purchased in 1995 and is used for engineering fieldwork and job site inspections. The Crown Victoria was purchased in 1993 and is used for general transportation for City Hall employees and site inspections. Justification I These replacements are in accordance with the vehicle replacement plan. Expenditures Vehicles 2007 2008 2009 2010 58,000 58,000 2011 Total 58,000 58,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 58,000 58,000 2011 Total 58,000 58,000 Operational Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 Account # 3 Account #2 Contact Unassigned Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life 20 years Category Fire Priority n/a Total Project Cost $1,000,000 Project # EQ-068 Project Name Fire Station 3 Vehicles and Equipment Description I This project will be to provide trucks and fire/rescue equipment for Station 3. Justification I Based on the city's "Comprehensive Plan 2020", it shows our growth to the southern end of the city. Our current response time to that area is approximately 7-10 minutes. Our downtown station will not be adequate to provide coverage to those citizens and businesses. Currently, the city's growth rate will drive the need of the station. Expenditures Vehicles 2007 2008 2009 2010 1,000,000 1,000,000 2011 Total 1,000,000 1,000,000 Total Funding Sources GO Bonds 2007 2008 2009 2010 1,000,000 1,000,000 2011 Total 1,000,000 1,000,000 Total Operational Impact/Other I The operational impact will be for the staffing and maintenance of personnel and equipment for the station once in place. Capital Improvement Program City ofChanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Project # EQ-080 Department Major Equipment Type Unassigned Useful Life Project Name Veterans Monument Account # 1 410-4141-4701 Account # 3 Category Unassigned Priority nla Account #2 Description I Construction ofa Veterans Momument is to acknowledge and honor all service personnel. The total project costs are estimated at $115,000.00 The city is working with the Legion and local utility companies for their financial assistance in the construction of the monument. Legion- $50,000.00. Utility Companies - $15,000.00. City ofChanhassen - $50,000.00. Total Project Cost $50,000 Justification I This is a collaborative effort of the City of Chanhassen, Chanhassen Legion and local utility companies to acknowledge and honor all service personnel with a public monument. Expenditures Land Improvement 2007 50,000 50,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 50,000 50,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 50,000 50,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 50,000 50,000 Total I Ope",tional ImpacVOther I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-081 Project Name Storage Area Network Account # 1 400-4126-4703 2007 thru 2011 Account # 3 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Improvement Useful Life 5-7 years Category Administration Priority nfa Account #2 Description I This project funds the purchase of a storage area network, (SAN) which will gradually replace all internal disk drives in existing network servers. The storage area network is a central storage device made up of individual storage modules, and managed from a single console. The SAN allows disk storage to be modified as storage needs change, without any downtime for city users. Total Project Cost $88,600 Justification I The need for digital storage space for city documentation and applications is growing at a rate of 50GB to 100GB per year. Existing storage space is becoming difficult to manage on individual network servers. Internal storage utilization is inefficient, and requires system downtime to reconfigure. SAN storage allows for real time redundant copies of data. The initial San installation would reside in the server room at city hall. Additional storage modules would be located on the city fiber backbone, but at other city buildings to facilitate disaster recovery. One TB redundant San would be implemented in year 1, and a second added in year 2. Individual add on units will be added as needed in the following years. As each module is added, the overall performance ofthe SAN as a whole is increased. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 33,100 33,100 2009 28,000 28,000 2010 13,500 13,500 2011 14,000 14,000 Total 88,600 88,600 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 33,100 33,100 2009 28,000 28,000 2010 13,500 13,500 2011 14,000 14,000 Total 88,600 88,600 Operational Impact/Other Initial purchase would include installation fees and a spare parts kit. It is anticipated that MIS staff will do all maintenance on the SAN and future replacement parts would be funded out of the 4530 Repair and Replacement account. It may be beneficial or necessary at a future date to purchase (Pdates to the management software. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Department Major Equipment Project # EQ-082 Project Name Fine Grader - Tractor Attachment Account # 1 400-0000-4705 Account # 3 Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Park Priority nla Account #2 Description 1 This tractor attachment will be used to fine grade and prepare soil for seeding. The attachment will be used by the Parks Department for park improvement projects. Total Project Cost $10,000 Justification I Expenditures Equipment 2007 10,000 10,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 10,000 10,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 10,000 10,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 10,000 10,000 I OperationallmpacV01h... I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN I Project # EQ-083 Project Name CSO Truck Account # 1 400-4129-4704 Account # 3 2007 thru 2011 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Vehicles Useful Life Category Administration Priority n/a Account #2 Description l This allows for replacement of an existing CSO truck. Total Project Cost $30,000 Justification I This replaces a vehicle in accordance with the vehicle replacement plan. Expenditures Vehicles 2007 2008 2009 2010 30,000 30,000 2011 Total 30,000 30,000 Total Funding Sources 2007 Capital Replacement Fund Total 2008 2009 2010 30,000 30,000 2011 Total 30,000 30,000 Operational Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN MB-003 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 Account #2 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Municipal Buildings Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Category Street Equipment Priority nla Total Project Cost $3,920,000 Project # Project Name Public Works Facility Improvements Description I This project provides for a Facilities Master Plan study and design work in 2007 with construction in 2008. The City is expected to grow an additional 30% before ultimate build oul. The existing facility is located on a 5 acre site which is already cramped for storage and operation space. The Facilities Master Plan will evaluate ifit is in the best interest of the City to expand the public works facility at the present location or move to a new site. Justification I The Operations and Maintenance Department needs additional space for repairs, meeting facilities, files, storage, supervisory offices and proper equipment storage. In addition, the current facility does not meet the City building code. Expenditures Planning/Design 2007 220,000 220,000 2008 3,700,000 3,700,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 3,920,000 3,920,000 Total Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total GO Bonds 220,000 2,800,000 3,020,000 Sewer Utility Fund 700,000 700,000 Surface Water Utility Fund 200,000 200,000 Total 220,000 3,700,000 3,920,000 Operational Impact/Other I This project would increase operational costs based on the percentage of the footprint expansion. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 400-4003-4702 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Municipal Buildings Type Improvement Useful Life 20 years Category Fire Priority nla Total Project Cost $20,000 Project # MB-008 Project Name Siding and Backing Replacement Account #2 Description I This project would be to replace the epoxy sealant on the bay floors at Station 2. Justification I The West satellite station was originally built in 1980. Siding and roofing will be 30 years old. The current siding is original. It has some holes in it and had some rotten spots replaced. Currently we have a problem with bug infestation. Replacement would also bring it up to the current code. Expenditures Maintenance 2007 2008 2009 20,000 20,000 2010 2011 Total 20,000 20,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 2009 20,000 20,000 2010 2011 Total 20,000 20,000 Operational Impact/Other There should be no operational impact to this project. Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City of Chanhassen, MN Department Municipal Buildings Project # MB-009 Type Improvement Useful Life 20 years I)roject Name Fire Station 3 Category Fire Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority nla Account #2 Total Project Cost $3,500,000 Description I This is for a possible fire station in the southern part of the city which will be developed after 2005. Justification I Response time from the other two stations will be unacceptable after Highway 212 is completed. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Construction 3,500,000 3,500,000 Total 3,500,000 3,500,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total GO Bonds 3,500,000 3,500,000 Total 3,500,000 3,500,000 Operational Impact/Other I The operational impact will be for the staffing and maintenance of personnel and equipment for the station once in place. I I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Project # MB-OIO Project Name City Hall Remodel Contact Department Municipal Buildings Type Improvement Useful Life Account # 1 Account # 3 Category Administration Priority nla Account #2 Description I Remodel and refurbish areas of City Hall that need paint, carpet or storage areas added. Total Project Cost $125,000 Justification I Certain areas of City Hall wiIJ be in need of some small repair and maintenance needs in 2010. Expenditures Maintenance 2007 2008 2009 2010 125,000 125,000 2011 Total 125,000 125,000 Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 125,000 125,000 2011 Total 125,000 125,000 I Operational Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK&T -029 Account # 1 410-0000-4710 Account # 3 Type Improvement Useful Life 30 Years Category Park Priority nla Project Name Hwy 101 North Trail Connection Account #2 Description I Construction ofa 10-foot wide pedestrian trail along the west side of Highway 101 from Pleasant View Road to Townline Road. Total Project Cost $114,000 Justification I The last segment of a trail that was originally constructed in 200 I. Expenditures 2007 Construction Total 2008 114,000 114,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 114,000 114,000 Funding Sources 2007 Park Dedication Fund Total 2008 114,000 114,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 114,000 114,000 Operational Impact/Other Overlay every 10-12 years. Capital Improvement Program. City ofChanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 410-4132-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life 20 years Category Park Priority nla Project # PK&T -037 Project Name Phase II Playground:Roundhouse Park Account #2 Description I Addition of a Phase II playground for children ages 2-5 Total Project Cost $30,000 Justification I Phase I was completed in the mid 1980s and is intended for children ages 6-12. Space is available within the existing playground container for Phase II. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 Total I Operational Impa.VOther I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # I 410-4132-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life 20 years Category Park Priority nla Project # PK&T -038 Project Name Phase II Playground:Sugarbush Park Account #2 Description I Addition ofa phase II playground for children ages 2-5. Total Project Cost $30,000 Justification I Phase I was completed in the mid 1980s and is intended for children ages 6-12. Space is available within the existing playground container for Phase II. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 Total I Operational ImpacVOther I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 410-4132-4705 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life 20 years Category Park Priority n/a Project # PK&T -041 Project Name Phase II Playground:Power Hill Park Account #2 Description I Addition ofa Phase II playground for children ages 2-5. Total Project Cost $30,000 Justification I Phase I was completed in the mid 1980s and is intended for children ages 6-12. Space is available within the existing playground container for Phase II. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 Total I Operationallmpac1l0ther I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City ofChanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvem Project # PK&T -042 Type Improvement Usefnl Life 10-15 years Project Name Picnic Tables/Park Benches Park Category Account # 1 410-000-4705 Account # 3 Priority nla Acconnt #2 Totat Project Cost $30,000 Description I Purchase of picnic tables and park benches. Justification I New tables and benches are needed to replace old stock and meet new needs. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Equipment 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 Total 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Park Dedication Fund 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 Total 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 I OperationallmpacUOtheI I I ents Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Unassigned Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements I.....Jttt# PK&T-043 I Type Improvement Useful Life 50 Years Project Name Trees Category Park Account # 1 410-0000-4701 Account # 3 Priority nla Account #2 Total Project Cost $25,000 Description I Annual tree planting program. Justification I Planting trees is one of the best investments we can make in our future. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Land Improvement 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 Total 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Park Dedication Fund 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 Total 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 I Operationa1lmpacUOth", I I I I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Project # PK&T-047 Project Name Arboretum Business Park Lot 12 Trail Contact Unassigned Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life 30 Years Account # 1 410-0000-4710 Account # 3 Category Park Priority nfa Account #2 Description l Construction of an 8-foot wide asphalt trail in the Chanhassen nature preserve. Total Project Cost $190,000 Justification I Represents the final phase in a four part trail construction initiative. Expenditures Land Improvement 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 190,000 190,000 Total 190,000 190,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 190,000 190,000 Total 190,000 190,000 Total Operational Impact/Other Overlay every 10 - 12 years. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK&T -065 Project Name Athletic Field Lighting (2 fields) Type Improvement Useful Life 50 Years Account # 1 410-0000-4705 Account # 3 Category Park Priority nla Account #2 Description Athletic field lighting for two fields. I Total Project Cost $150,000 Justification I More economical to add field capacity through lighting than constructing more fields. Expenditures Equipment 2007 150,000 150,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 150,000 150,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 150,000 150,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 150,000 150,000 Total Operational Impact/Other I Electricity. Capital Improvement Program City ofChanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 410-0000-4710 Account # 3 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life 30 Years Category Park Priority n/a Project # PK&T -066 Project Name Power Hill Park Trail Account #2 Description I Construction of an 8-foot wide pedestrian trail linking the north and south ends ofthe park. Total Project Cost $75,000 Justification 1 Accessibility within the park will be greatly improved. Expenditures Construction 2007 75,000 75,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 75,000 75,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 75,000 75,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 75,000 75,000 Total I Operational ImpactlO1he, I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK&T -068 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Lake Ann Park "Parkview" Picnic Shelter Account # 1 410-0000-4702 Account # 3 Category Park Priority nfa Account #2 Description I Construction of a traditional picnic shelter and concrete slab in Lake Ann Park. Total Project Cost $95,000 Justification I The City's park system has limited picnic shelters. Expenditures Construction 2007 95,000 95,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 95,000 95,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 95,000 95,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 95,000 95,000 Total Operational Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN PK&T -069 2007 thru 2011 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Account # 1 410-0000-4706 Acconnt # 3 Type Improvement Useful Life 50 Years Category Park Priority n/a Project # Project Name Hwy 41 Pedestrian Underpass/Trail Grant Match Account #2 Description I Carver County has applied for a federal grant to provide these improvements. contribution if the full grant is received. Total Project Cost $125,000 The city has supported the application pledging a $115,000 Justification I A pedestrian underpass to Minnewashta Regional Park is a highly sought after improvement. Expenditures Construction 2007 2008 2009 2010 125,000 125,000 2011 Total 125,000 125,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 2008 2009 2010 125,000 125,000 2011 Total 125,000 125,000 Total I Operationallmpact'Othe< I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Project # PK&T -072 Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Unassigned Useful Life Project Name Tennis Court Repair Account # 1 410-000-4706 Account # 3 Category Park Priority nla Account #2 Description I Patch and resurface courts at North Lotus Lake Park, Lake Ann Park, City Center Park and the Recreation Center. Total Project Cost $45,000 Justification I We have deliberately limited the number of courts constructed within our system to lower overall maintenance costs associated with tennis courts. The courts we do offer are kept in playable condition through patching and resurfacing on a six to ten year cycle. Expenditures Maintenance 2007 45,000 45,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 45,000 45,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 45,000 45,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 45,000 45,000 Total I Operational ImpacllOther I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # I 410-0000-4706 Account # 3 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Park Priority nla Project # PK&T -073 Project Name Mtka Middle School West Tennis Court Project Account #2 Description I A parent organized volunteer group with cooperation of School District 276 is attempting to move forward a project to construct six new tennis courts at Minnetonka Middle School West. The total cost of the proposed project is $240,000. Our $30,000 contribution would only be made if the entire project is undertaken. Total Project Cost $30,000 Justification I The Minnetonka West Middle School campus serves as the "neighborhood" park for residents residing in an area of the city approximately one square mile in size. The City in cooperation with the District has developed four "official" pedestrian connections to the school and playfields from adjoining neighborhoods. Expenditures Construction 2007 30,000 30,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 30,000 30,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 30,000 30,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 30,000 30,000 Total Operational Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN PK&T-074 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 Account # 3 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Park Priority nla Project # Project Name Rice Marsh Lake Trail Account #2 Description I The Rice Marsh Lake Trail will travel south of Rice Marsh Lake connecting the cities ofChanhassen and Eden Prairie. Construction of new Highway 212 and an associated trail underpass near the border of the two cities will permit connection of this trail to the Lake Riley area. This section of trail will be 3600 feet in length and when combined with trails in Eden Prairie will provide a complete trail loop around Rice Marsh Lake approximately 3 miles in length. Total Project Cost $350,000 Justification I This important section of pedestrian trail will prove to be a favorite among residents. The entire trail corridor is situated in wooded and wetland areas. Connecting to Eden Prairie, the Highway 212 underpass and extensive trail systems to the east will provide significant benefits for trail users. Expenditures Construction 2007 2008 2009 2010 350,000 350,000 2011 Total 350,000 350,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 2008 2009 2010 350,000 350,000 2011 Total 350,000 350,000 Total I Operational impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK&T -075 Project Name Liberty at Creekside Trail Account # 1 Account # 3 Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Park Priority nla Account #2 Description -, The Liberty at Creek side trail is a 2600 foot pedestrian trail improvement tied to the development of Liberty at Creek side. This trail will be situated in the Bluff Creek preservation corridor traveling from the "east/west collector" south to new Highway 212. Total Project Cost $175,000 Town and Country Homes is responsible for construction of this trail as a condition oftheir development contract with the city. Upon completion of the trail we will reimburse Town and Country Homes for the cost ofthe project materials. Justification 1 This section of trail is identified on the Cities comprehensive trail plan. The City has an obligation to construct it concurrent with development of the surrounding properties. Expenditures Construction 2007 2008 2009 175,000 175,000 2010 2011 Total 175,000 175,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 2008 2009 175,000 175,000 2010 2011 Total 175,000 175,000 Total I Operational ImpaclIOther I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 Account # 3 Account #2 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Park Priority nla Project # PK&T-076 Project Name The Preserve Trail and Bridge Description I The Preserve trail is a 2800 foot pedestrian trail improvement tied to the development ofthe Preserve. This trail will be situated in the Bluff Creek preservation corridor traveling from the "east/west collector" road north to Lyman Boulevard. A large bridge crossing of Bluff Creek will be the signature component of this project. Rottlund Homes is responsible for the construction ofthe trail and bridge as a condition oftheir development contract with the City Upon completion ofthe trail we will reimburse Rottlund Homes for the cost of the project materials. Total Project Cost $450,000 Justification I This section of trail is identified on the Cities comprehensive trail plan. The City has an obligation to construct it concurrent with development of the surrounding properties. Expenditures Construction 2007 2008 2009 450,000 450,000 2010 2011 Total 450,000 450,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 2008 2009 450,000 450,000 2010 2011 Total 450,000 450,000 Total I Operational ImpacUOther I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN PK&T -077 2007 thru 2011 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # Type Unassigned Useful Life Project Name Lakeside Trail (Lyman Boulevard) Account # 1 Account # 3 Category Park Priority n/a Account #2 Description 1 The Lakeside Trail is a foot extension of a trail already in place along Lyman Boulevard. This section will connect with a future trail in Eden Prairie. Sienna Corporation is responsible for the construction of the trail as a condition oftheir development contract with the City. Upon completion of the trail we will reimburse Sienna Corporation for the cost of the project materials. Total Project Cost $60,000 Justification 1 This section of trail is identified on the Cities comprehensive trail plan. The City has an obligation to construct it concurrent with development of the surrounding properties. Expenditures Construction 2007 2008 60,000 60,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 60,000 60,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2007 2008 60,000 60,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 60,000 60,000 Total I OperationallmpacVOtlrer I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK&T -078 Type Unassigned Useful Life Project Name Pioneer Pass Park Acquisition Category Park Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority nfa Accollnt #2 Total Project Cost $170,000 Description I As a condition of approval for the subdivision of the Pioneer Pass development the City is acquiring a 4.72 acre parcel to be dedicated in lieu of payment of park dedication fees. The dedication credit only covers the first 3.79 acres. The remaining .93 acres will be purchased at a cost of $169,986.75. Justification I This acquisition satisfies a significant void in the Cities comprehensive park plan. It will serve neighborhood park needs for over 500 homes located with Yz mile of its location. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Land Acquisition 170,000 170,000 Total 170,000 170,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Park Dedication Fund 170,000 170,000 Total 170,000 170,000 I Operational Impac1l0ther I I I I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Account #2 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Planning Type Improvement Useful Life 10-15 years Category Planning Priority nla Total Project Cost $150,000 Project # PL-OOl I)roject Name Update of Comprehensive Plan Account # 1 Account # 3 Description I Update to city's 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Start the process in 2007 and complete in 2008. Justification I Mandated by State Statute that the comprehensive plan be updated every 10 years. This is an opportunity to evaluate and re-evaluate the city's land use designation and MUS A staging, infrastructure plan (roads, sewer, storm wter, water) and parks and open space. Expenditures Comp Plan Update 2007 120,000 120,000 2008 30,000 30,000 2009 2010 2011 Total 150,000 150,000 Total Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total General Fund 50,000 30,000 80,000 Sewer Utility Fund 50,000 50,000 Water Utility Fund 20,000 20,000 Total 120,000 30,000 150,000 Operational Impact/Other I The update of the comprehensive provides additional information for capital improvements that may be needed to accommodate growth of the City.' I I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 88-012 2007 thru 2011 Project # Project Name Inflow and Infiltration Abatement Account # I 701-0000-4509 Account # 3 Account #2 Contact Unassigned Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Category Utilities Priority n/a Total Project Cost $1,010,000 Description I This annual project includes televising, repairs and rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewer. The program also detects and eliminates points of entry of ground water and surface water into the City sanitary sewer system. Projects have been identified from the 2006 Inflow and Infiltration Report. The projects were reviewed by Metropolitan Council and approved in lieu of surcharge fees. Justification I City staff has identified numerous older sewer lines that are in need of repair. The City of Chanhassen pays the Metropolitan Council for sewage treatment. Those payments are based on the amount of flow generated by the City of Chanhassen. Surface water and ground water that makes its way into the system either through breaks, displaced joints, manhole covers, or private connections to the system increase the amount charged to the City for sewage disposal and increasing the load on the City's lift stations. Also, MCES may place a surcharge on cities that are not trying to improve the inflow and infiltration problem. Expenditures Maintenance 2007 210,000 210,000 2008 200,000 200,000 2009 200,000 200,000 2010 200,000 200,000 Total Funding Sources Sewer Utility Fund 2007 210,000 210,000 2008 200,000 200,000 2009 200,000 200,000 2010 200,000 200,000 Total 2011 200,000 200,000 Total 1,010,000 1,010,000 2011 200,000 200,000 Total 1,010,000 1,010,000 Operational Impact/Other I The efforts may decrease operational costs, emergency call outs and maintenance costs. It is also the city's intent to use connection charges to help I fund for those costs. It is the city's beliefthat as new customers come on line those connection fees should help fund future infiltration problems. I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Unassigned Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project # SS-014 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Sanitary Sewer Replacement Category Utilities Account # 1 701-0000-4751 Account # 3 Priority n/a Accollnt #2 Total Project Cost $730,000 Description I Replacement or rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewer lines in conjunction with the reconstruction of the City street. Justification I The City considers the condition of the existing utilities in the process to select streets for rehabilitation in an effort to realize cost savings by consolidating these projects. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Construction 230,000 250,000 250,000 730,000 Total 230,000 250,000 250,000 730,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Sewer Utility Fund 230,000 250,000 250,000 730,000 Total 230,000 250,000 250,000 730,000 Operational Impact/Other I This project will decrease maintenance costs. I I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN SS-017 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 701-0000-4751 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Usefnl Life Unassigned Category Utilities Priority n/a Project # Project Name Sanitary Lift Station Rehabilitation Program Acconnt #2 Description 1 The sanitary lift station rehabilitation program is designed to minimize sewer backups and emergency calls due to failed lift station equipment. The City currently maintains 30 lift stations. Many of these lift stations are high service pumps and need frequent servicing. The program will service or replace pumps, pipe gallery, and electrical components as needed. Lift Station #3 is recommended for improvements in 2007. Lift Station #3 located on the north side of Highway 7 takes all the flow from the properties on the west side of Lake Minnewashta and properties on the north side of Highway 7. The wet well capacity has become undersized for flows. The electrical panel has become unreliable and needs to be replaced. The electrical power in this area is unreliable, so a permanent backup generator is recommended. Total Project Cost $475,000 Justification 1 Reduce emergency calls and potential sewer backups. Expenditures Maintenance 2007 265,000 265,000 2008 50,000 50,000 2009 50,000 50,000 2010 55,000 55,000 2011 55,000 55,000 Total 475,000 475,000 Total Funding Sources Sewer Utility Fund 2007 265,000 265,000 2008 50,000 50,000 2009 50,000 50,000 2010 55,000 55,000 2011 55,000 55,000 Total 475,000 475,000 Total I Operational ImpacUOtber I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Unassigned Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project # SS-O 18 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Dell Road/77th Street Forcemain Replacement Utilities Category Account # 1 701-0000-4751 Account # 3 Priority nla Account #2 Total Project Cost $125,000 Description I The forcemain on Dell Road and 77th Street that pumps the sewage from the industrial park has had several breaks in the past few years and needs to be replaced. This project will be included with the street improvements in 2009. Justification I Eliminate emergency calls and sewer spills. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Maintenance 125,000 125,000 Total 125,000 125,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Sewer Utility Fund 125,000 125,000 Total 125,000 125,000 Operational Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact City ofChanhassen, MN Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project # SS-020 Type Unassigned Useful Life Project Name 2010 MUSA Sanitary Lift Station Category Unassigned Account # 1 701-0000-4702 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $1,500,000 Description I This lift station will be located on Powers Boulevard south ofTH 212 to service the future 2010 MUSA area and will also be used by future MUSA areas. Justification I Required for future development of the 20 I 0 MUSA area. The cost will be assessed to future MUSA areas using connection fees. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Construction 1,500,000 1,500,000 Total 1,500,000 1,500,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Sewer Utility Fund 1,500,000 1,500,000 Total 1,500,000 1,500,000 I Operational Impact!01her I I I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Unassigned Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Street Improvements Project # ST-OOl Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name West 78th St Streetlights Streets/Highways Category Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority nfa Account #2 Total Project Cost $300,000 Description I Install street lights on West 78th Street from the Western edge of Lake Ann Park to TH 41. Street lights already exist on the section of West 78th Street east of this section of road. Justification I Visibility will be improved with the installation of street lights. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Equipment 300,000 300,000 Total 300,000 300,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total MSA 300,000 300,000 Total 300,000 300,000 Operational Impact/Other I This project will increase maintenance costs. I I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN ST -003 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Category Priority n/a Project # Project Name Lyman Boulevard Improvements Account # 1 Account #2 Account # 3 Total Project Cost $9,100,000 Description I The city will need to participate in the reconstruction of Lyman Boulevard between Powers Boulevard and TH 41. The street segment is proposed to be widened and urbanized to accommodate increased traffic volume from TH 212, new development and potentially a high school. Improvements include roadway widening, signals, stormsewer improvements, trail improvement and trunk watermain improvement. Justification I To improve safety and mobility along the corridor. Expenditures Construction 2007 2008 2009 9,100,000 9,100,000 2010 2011 Total 9,100,000 9,100,000 Total Funding Sources Abatement District Funds Assessment Bonds Other Agency Contribution Surface Water Utility Fund Water Utility Fund 2007 2008 2009 5,000,000 1,009,000 1,731,000 700,000 660,000 9,100,000 2010 2011 Total 5,000,000 1,009,000 1,731,000 700,000 660,000 9,100,000 Total Operational Impact/Other I This project will increase maintenance costs in relation to the increase in City Utilities and Trails constructed with the project. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN ST-012 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Category Streets/Highways Priority n/a Total Project Cost $12,936,000 Project # Project Name Annual Street Improvement Program Account # 1 601-0000-4751 Account # 3 Account #2 Description I Annual project to rehabilitate and reconstruct streets in the City. 2007 2008 Residential S ShoreDr Laredo Dr/Ln Bighorn Dr Saratoga Dr/Cir Pleasant View Cove Audubon Road Preakness Ln area Dogwood/Tanadoona Koehnen/Y osemite area Current 5-year plan shows the following neighborhood areas: 2009 2010 2011 Chaparral Erie Ave Area Carver Beach Road area Lone Cedar Area Sandy Hook Rd area Holly Lane MSA Justification W 78th St I The City uses a Pavement Management System to monitor the condition of the City streets. While proper preventative maintenance extends the life of the street and is cost effective, a street will eventually deteriorate to a point that further maintenance is no longer cost effective. Rehabilitation projects extend the life of the street. In cases with utility or poor subgrade needs to be replaced or where streets have deteriorated to a point where rehabilitation will no longer be practical reconstruction of the street is necessary. A feasibility study is written to consider the merits of the project and scope of work. Expenditures Construction 2007 4,436,000 4,436,000 2008 4,100,000 4,100,000 2009 1,300,000 1,300,000 2010 1,900,000 1,900,000 2011 1 ,200,000 1,200,000 Total 12,936,000 12,936,000 Total Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Assessment/Revolving Assess 2,936,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 1,200,000 8,636,000 Developer Assessments 1,000,000 1,000,000 MSA 500,000 2,500,000 300,000 3,300,000 Total 4,436,000 4,100,000 1,300,000 1,900,000 1,200,000 12,936,000 I~era~o~al I:actlOthe~ . I . 1 ms proJecr may oecrease mamrenance cosrs. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Street Improvements Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City ofChanhassen, MN Department Street Improvements Project # ST-017 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name TH 101 Corridor Preservation Planning Category Streets/Highways Account # 1 415-0000-4300 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $150,000 Description I A preliminary design, environmental scoping study will be worked on in 2007. A study to complete the environmental review for the corridor is scheduled for 2008. No funding for improvements have been identified at this time. Justification I To improve safety and mobility along the corridor and plan for future growth. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Planning/Design 150,000 150,000 Total 150,000 150,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total MSA 50,000 50,000 Other Agency Contribution 100,000 100,000 Total 150,000 150,000 I Operational ImpacllOtber I I I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Paul Oehme City of Chanhassen, MN Department Street Improvements ST -018 Type Maintenance Project # Useful Life 7-10 years Project Name Pavement Management Category Streets/Highways Account # 1 420-0000-4751 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $1,925,000 Description I This project will provide maintenance such as crack sealing, seal-coating, pothole patching for city streets. The projects will be determined annually based on the pavement condition index as generated by the pavement management program. Justification I This will provide a centralized funding mechanism that will help reduce the effect on General Fund operating expenditures. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Maintenance 385,000 385,000 385,000 385,000 385,000 1,925,000 Total 385,000 385,000 385,000 385,000 385,000 1,925,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total MSA 134,250 117,125 117,125 117,125 117,125 602,750 Tax Levy 250,750 267,875 267,875 267,875 267,875 1,322,250 Total 385,000 385,000 385,000 385,000 385,000 1,925,000 Operational Impact/Other I This will reduce the need to reconstruct streets and will allow us to more closely match the life of streets to the utility lines that lie underneath I them. This will allow better coordination when we need to replace water and sewer lines with replacing roads. I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Street Improvements Project # ST-019 Type Unassigned Useful Life Project Name TH 5 Corridor Study - TH 41 to TH 212 Category Unassigned Account # 1 415-0000-4300 Account # 3 Priority nla Account #2 Total Project Cost $10,000 Description I This is a joint project between Carver County, MnDot and the cities along the corridor to plan for future improvements.. Justification I This study is the first step in preliminary design and scoping to plan for improvements to the corridor. The city's portion of the project will be used for the segment between TH 41 and the west city limits. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Planning/Design 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total MSA 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 I Operationallmpac1l0tbor I I I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City of Chanhassen, MN Department Surface Water Management Project # SWMP-012 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name SWMP Implementation Category SWMP Account # 1 720-0000-4300 Account # 3 Priority nla Account #2 Total Project Cost $1,650,000 Description I This project implements projects identified as high priority by the City's Surface Water Management Plan, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II permit, City Council and/or City staff. Justification I These projects are necessary to meet state and federal government requirements for storm drainage; address storm water issues in existing developments; maintain existing infrastructure; and construct the infrastructure recommended by the City's Surface Water Management Plan. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Construction 450,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,650,000 Total 450,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,650,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Surface Water Utility Fund 450,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,650,000 Total 450,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,650,000 I Operational Impact/Other I I Citywide. No map. I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Unassigned Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Surface Water Management Project # SWMP-014 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Property Acquisition Category SWMP Account # 1 720-0000-4701 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 410-0000-4701 Total Project Cost $845,000 Description I The City will acquire property in accordance with its Comprehensive and Surface Water Management Plans. Justification I Properties within the City must be acquired in order to achieve the goals set forth in the Comprehensive and Surface Water Management Plans. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Land Acquisition 245,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 845,000 Total 245,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 845,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Park Dedication Fund 151,000 151,000 Surface Water Utility Fund 94,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 694,000 Total 245,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 845,000 I Opemtional Impact/Other I I Citywide. No map. I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City of Chanhassen, MN Department Surface Water Management Project # SWMP-019 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Street Improvement Projects - Storm Water Mgmt Category SWMP Account # 1 720-0000-4702 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $1,090,000 Description I An annual amount set aside for storm water management infrastructure construction or expansion associated with street improvement projects undertaken by the engineering and public works departments. Justification I Street improvement projects frequently require construction or expansion of storm water management infrastructure in order to comply with federal, state and local regulations, as well as protecting existing and proposed development adjacent to the projects. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Construction 640,000 300,000 150,000 1,090,000 Total 640,000 300,000 150,000 1,090,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Surface Water Utility Fund 640,000 300,000 150,000 1,090,000 Total 640,000 300,000 150,000 1,090,000 Operational Impact/Other I Inventory, inspection and maintenance of new infrastructure will be required. Citywide. No map I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City of Chanhassen, MN Department Surface Water Management Project # SWMP-021 Type Equipment Useful Life 10-15 years Project Name Leaf Vacuum Category SWMP Account # 1 720-0000-4705 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $40,000 Description I Purchase of a leaf vacuum trailer to address street sweeping requirements ofNPDES Phase II MS4 permit. Justification I A leaf vacuum will be more effective at picking up leaves, wet and dry, from streets than a street sweeper. This will prolong the life of the street sweeper, which is a more expensive piece of equipment. The leaf vacuum also shreds leaves to increase productivity between dumping. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Equipment 40,000 40,000 Total 40,000 40,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Surface Water Utility Fund 40,000 40,000 Total 40,000 40,000 Operational Impact/Other I The collected material will have to be disposed of properly. I I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN SWMP-022 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Surface Water Management Type Equipment Useful Life 10-15 years Category SWMP Priority nla Project # Project Name Excavator Account # 1 720-0000-4705 Account # 3 Account #2 Total Project Cost $70,000 Description I Purchase of a small excavator designed with rubber tracks to access storm water infrastructure for maintenance purposes. Equipment will have a boom capable of revolving 360 degrees. Justification I The small size of this excavator will allow street crews to maintain infrastructure in small easements or in areas with limited access potential. Light weight minimizes damage to properties. Revolving boom minimizes site disturbance. Once inventory and inspection of stOrmwater infrastructure has taken place, it is anticipated that many ponds and drainageways will require maintenance to comply with NPDES Phase II. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 2009 2010 70,000 70,000 2011 Total 70,000 70,000 Total Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 70,000 70,000 2011 Total 70,000 70,000 I Operational Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN SWMP-023 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Surface Water Management Account # 1 720-0000-4705 Account # 3 Type Equipment Useful Life Unassigned Category SWMP Priority nla Project # Project Name Vactor, Used Account #2 Total Project Cost $200,000 Description I Purchase of a small vactor truck for maintenance of storm water infrastructure. Justification I Development adds stormwater infrastrucure. Currently, street department shares equipment with utility department. Utility department has increased use of current vactor and streets department has increased need for additional vactor. The small vactor will be used off road in easements where the larger vactor cannot maneuver. Also, the small vactor will be used on trails where the larger vactor should not go do due to damage it caused to the bituminous trail due to its weight. Will increase efficiency of SWMP cleanouts and other maintenance. Will also serve as a backup to current vactor in an emergency. Will assist in achieving compliance with NPDES Phase II MS4 permit. Expenditures Equipment 2007 2008 2009 200,000 200,000 2010 2011 Total 200,000 200,000 Total Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2007 2008 2009 200,000 200,000 2010 2011 Total 200,000 200,000 Operational Impact/Other I The collected material will have to be disposed of properly. Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City of Chanhassen, MN Department Surface Water Management Project # SWMP-024 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Bluff Cr. Nat. Resources Mgmt Plan Implementation Category SWMP Account # 1 720-0000-4751 Account # 3 Priority nla Account #2 Total Project Cost $750,000 Description I Construction and restoration as recommended in the Bluff Creek Natural Resource Management Plan. It is unknown how much funding the Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District will contribute to this project. Justification I Implementation of recommendations in 1996 Bluff Creek Natural Resource Management Plan in cooperation with the Riley-Purgatory-BluffCreek Watershed District. These projects will improve habitat and aesthetics in the Bluff Creek Watershed. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Construction 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Total 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Surface Water Utility Fund 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Total 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Operational Impact/Other I The restored areas will require regular maintenance to sustain the native plant communities. I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact City ofChanhassen, MN Department Surface Water Management Project # SWMP-026 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Lake Minnewashta Outlet Category SWMP Account # 1 720-0000-4751 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $30,000 Description I Install a permanent outlet structure at the outlet for Lake Minnewashta. Justification I The current outlet is sand and is therefore easily altered. Alterations to the outlet can cause the entire lake to drain down to the outlet elevation. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Construction 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Surface Water Utility Fund 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 I Operational ImpaclIOther I I None I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Surface Water Management Project # SWMP-027 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Natural Resources Stewardship Plan Category SWMP Account # 1 720-7202-4300 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $130,000 Description I This project would develop and implement over time a stewardship plan for all public natural resources. Justification I The plan is necessary to enhance and protect the city's public natural resource investments in land and vegetation. The plan could prioritize strategies, sites and processes as well as inventory the existing conditions of public ally held properties. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Planning/Design 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 Total 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Reforestation 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 Total 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 I OperationallmpactlOther I I I I Capital Improvement Program City ofChanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Department Surface Water Management Account # 1 720-7202-4705 Account # 3 Type Equipment Usefut Life 10-15 years Category SWMP Priority n/a Project # SWMP-028 Project Name Water truck boom sprayer Account #2 Description -, A remote control boom sprayer attachment for city's water truck used to water trees, sod, plants. Totat Project Cost $8,500 Justification I Watering trees, sod and plants using a boom sprayer is the most efficient, effective and safest method. The sprayer allows for a convenient and direct approach for tree and plant maintenance. The greatest factor in young boulevard and park tree mortality is stress due to lack of water. Expenditures Equipment 2007 8,500 8,500 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 8,500 8,500 Total Funding Sources Reforestation 2007 8,500 8,500 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 8,500 8,500 Total Operational Impact/Other 1 AlJ boulevard and park trees city wide. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Category Utilities Priority nla Project # W-015 Project Name Repainting: West 76th St. Water Tower Account # 1 700-0000-4751 Account # 3 Account #2 Total Project Cost $80,000 Description I Provides for the recoating of the interior and exterior surfaces of the W. 76th St. Water Tower. The water tower is currently not used for water storage because of the hydraulic changes that were made when the Lake Lucy RoadlPowers Boulevard tower was made. Justification I This type of infrastructure requires recoating to protect the life of the metal structure. Expenditures Construction 2007 2008 2009 80,000 80,000 2010 2011 Total 80,000 80,000 Total Funding Sources Water Utility Fund 2007 2008 2009 80,000 80,000 2010 2011 Total 80,000 80,000 Total Operational Impact/Other I This project does not increase operational costs. I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 Account #2 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Category Utilities Priority n/a Project # W-020 Project Name Arboretum Water Main Description I Installation of a missing piece of water main to provide better looping and system reliability between the Arboretum Water Tower and W 78th Street. Total Project Cost $220,000 Justification 1 Completing this section of water main will complete a missing loop in the system providing improved water quality and pressure as well as increasing operational reliability. This project was identified in the 2003 Master Water Study. Expenditures Planning/Design Construction 2007 2008 2009 20,000 2010 2011 Total 20,000 200,000 220,000 Total 20,000 200,000 200,000 Funding Sources Water Utility Fund 2007 2008 2009 20,000 20,000 2010 200,000 200,000 2011 Total 220,000 220,000 Total Operational Impact/Other 1 This project will increase maintenance costs. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN W -024 Project # Project Name Water main Replacement Account # 1 700-0000-4751 Account #2 Account # 3 2007 thru 2011 Description I Replacement of existing water main lines in coordination with the reconstruction of the City street. Justification I Contact Unassigned Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Category Utilities Priority nla Total Project Cost $2,020,000 The City considers the condition of the existing utilities in the process to select streets for rehabilitation in an effort to realize cost savings by consolidating these projects and also to avoid potential cuts in recently improved streets. If significant repairs are necessary to the existing water main, replacement may be the most cost effective option. Given the highly corrosive soils in the City, water main replacement is an ongoing project in the City. Expenditures Construction Total Funding Sources Water Utility Fund Total Operational Impact/Other I These projects will decrease maintenance costs. 2007 660,000 660,000 2007 660,000 660,000 2008 660,000 660,000 2009 2010 700,000 700,000 2008 660,000 660,000 2009 2010 700,000 700,000 2011 Total 2,020,000 2,020,000 2011 Total 2,020,000 2,020,000 I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN W -025 2007 thru 2011 Account # 1 700-0000-4751 Account # 3 Contact Unassigned Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Category Utilities Priority n/a Project # Project Name Well #4 Improvements Account #2 Description I Engineering has reviewed the test data of the water from Well #4 and currently, the radium levels are at the MDH guidelines. In 2004, staff reviewed the radium problems with the Minnesota Dept of Health (MDH). The well is currently used as a peak well during high demand periods which blends the Well #4 water with the other well water in the system. If the radium levels continue to rise, the City may have to enter into a monitoring program with the MDH on a temporary basis. The MDH at that time will determine the acceptable amount of water that can be pumped into the City system from Well #4. If an agreement with the MDH cannot be reached, the well may have to be redeveloped, capped or have a small treatment plant built for this well. Redevelopment of the well is budgeted for 2008. Total Project Cost $350,000 Justification I Well #4 continues to test high for RADIUM. Expenditures Construction 2007 2008 2009 350,000 350,000 2010 2011 Total 350,000 350,000 Total Funding Sources Water Utility Fund 2007 2008 2009 350,000 350,000 2010 2011 Total 350,000 350,000 Total Operational Impact/Other I This project will not increase operations cost. I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Unassigned Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Water System Improvements Project # W -027 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Pressure Reducing Station 8 Category Account # 1 700-0000-4751 Account # 3 Priority nla Account #2 Total Project Cost $65,000 Description I Construction of a pressure reducing valve station in the 2005 MUSA area by Pioneer Trail. The station may be constructed in conjunction with a development. Justification 1 Identified in the 2003 Master Water Plan and the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply Plan. Needed to control watermain pressure due to elevation changes. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Construction 65,000 65,000 Total 65,000 65,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Water Utility Fund 65,000 65,000 Total 65,000 65,000 Operational Impact/Other 1 This project will increase maintenance costs. ~ I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City of Chanhassen, MN Department Water System Improvements Project # W-030 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Raw Well Water Collection System Category Account # 1 700-0000-4751 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $500,000 Description I This project includes designing and instaIling watermain from new and existing weIl sites to the phase II treatment plant at the west end of the city. Justification I Raw water lines are required to feed the water directly from the weIls to the treatment plant prior to distribution to the water system. These imporvements were identified in the 2003 Master Water Plan. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Construction 500,000 500,000 Total 500,000 500,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Water Utility Fund 500,000 500,000 Total 500,000 500,000 Operational Impact/Other I This project will increase maintenance costs. 1 I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact Unassigned City of Chanhassen, MN Department Water System Improvements Project # W-032 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Well Rehabilitation Program Category Utilities Account # 1 700-0000-4530 Account # 3 Priority nla Account #2 Total Project Cost $210,000 Description I This program annually inspects and performs regular maintenance of the City's wells. Well pumps are recommended to be serviced every 8 years. Justification I To extend the life and ensure reliability of the City's well fields. Performing regular maintenance will extend the life of well components, reduce emergency calls and have a more reliable water supply system. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Maintenance 40,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 210,000 Total 40,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 210,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Water Utility Fund 40,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 210,000 Total 40,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 210,000 I Operational Impac1fOther I I I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Unassigned Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Water System Improvements Project # W-033 Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Project Name TH 101 Trunk Watermain Replacement Category Utilities Account # 1 700-0000-4751 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $200,000 Description I A segment of 12" watermain along TH 101 from Brule Circle to Gray Fox Curve has had several watermain breaks over the past years. Inspection of the watermain indicates this watermain has deteriorated significantly due to the hot soils in the area, is in very poor condition and should be replaced. Justification I To reduce emergency calls and disruption of water service to residents. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Construction 200,000 200,000 Total 200,000 200,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Water Utility Fund 200,000 200,000 Total 200,000 200,000 I Operational Impact/Other I I I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Water System Improvements Project # W -036 Type Unassigned Useful Life Project Name Well Head Protection Plan Update Utilities Category Account # 1 700-0000-4751 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 $30,000 Total Project Cost Description I Well head protection is designed to protect public water supply wells. Cities are required to have well head protection programs under the provisions of the 1986 amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The city has a well head protection program but it needs to be updated due to the new wells in service. The update will include wells 9, 10, and 11. Justification I Federal and state requirements. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Comp Plan Update 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Water Utility Fund 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 I Operational Impact/Other I I I I Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 Contact City ofChanhassen, MN Department Water System Improvements Project # W -038 Type Unassigned Useful Life Project Name Stand by Generator for wells Category Unassigned Account # 1 700-0000-4705 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $120,000 Description I With the addition of the water treatment plant standby generation for wells is needed to keep water supplied to the treatment plant. The treatment plant has a standby generator for the plant but only one well. The requested standby generator will be able to run an additional two wells. This will allow the plant to treat water to meet an average day demand. Justification I To meet average day water demand for the city ifpower is disrupted for an extended period oftime. Expenditures 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Equipment 120,000 120,000 Total 120,000 120,000 Funding Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Water Utility Fund 120,000 120,000 Total 120,000 120,000 I Operational Impact/Other I I I I Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN W-037 2008 thru 2012 Contact Department Water System Improvements Account # 1 Account #2 Account # 3 Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Utilities Priority n/a Project # Project Name West Water Treatment Plant Total Project Cost $0 Description I The treatment of potable water for the high zone area and the west side oftown is planned for construction in 2012. This treatment plant, along with the east treatment plant, will treat 100% of the city's potable water for an average day's usage. The estimate for the treatment plant is $11,000,000 Justification I To remove iron and manganese from the water prior to distributing. I Operational Impact/Other I