CartegraphPurchase Order No. 1160-14-253 PURCHASE ORDER - Vendor Ship To Name Cartegraph Name City of Chanhassen Address 3600 Digital Drive Address 7700 Market Blvd City Dubuque ST IA ZIP 52003 City Chanhassen St MN-_ ZIP 55317 Phone Phone (952) 227-1111 City CITY OF CHANHASSEN Description 7700 MARKET BLVD., PO BOX 147 OF CMOF CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 � 952-227-1140 fax 952-227-1170 Purchase Order No. 1160-14-253 PURCHASE ORDER - Vendor Ship To Name Cartegraph Name City of Chanhassen Address 3600 Digital Drive Address 7700 Market Blvd City Dubuque ST IA ZIP 52003 City Chanhassen St MN-_ ZIP 55317 Phone Phone (952) 227-1111 City Units Description Unit Price TOTAL 5 Ea CarteFLEX Subscription Renewal $1,496.00 $7,480.00 1 Ea CarteFLEX GISconnect for ESRI Renewal $2,147.00 $2,147.00 5 Ea CarteFLEX Mobile License Renewal $549.00 $2,745.00 1 Ea CarteFLEX Mobile Conned Renewal J $916.00 $916.00 Coding Utilities XXX-XXXX-XXXX 60% ($7,972.80) 7r2� ✓ SWMP Project XXX-XXXX-XXXX 20% ($2,657.60) EQ -048 400-4117-4703 20% ($2,657.60) rUl- SubTotal $13,288.00 Payment Details Shipping & Handling O Check O Cash Taxes State Oi Account No. O Credit Card Credit Card #1 TOTAL $13,288.00 Name r=xp nate BUDGET CODE ENTER THE BUDGET CODE IN THE SHADED AREA. See Notes Above Approval — Department Head Signature , No4rder ales Rep City Manager Signature ( Date Ship Via YnM�/R�msrlrc Cartegraph Annual Renewal R-08836 9/14/2013 0:00 Carte'graph 3600 DIGITAL DRIVE DUBUQUE IA 52003 FEIN: 42-1419553 Bill To City of Chanhassen Attn: Terry Jeffery 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 CTPI � EBEfd EIVED ENGIINEER94G DEEPT, Billing Questions, Call Tanya at 800-688-2656 x 5298 or tanyalove@cartegraph.com Support Exp Date = Customer ID ' Payment Terms 12/30/2014 1 CHANHASSCIMN Net 30 Invoice,#; R-0957214 '-Date 9/2/2014 Page r1 of 1 Li ens a (if ifferent than above) "_•; ,. _ . Item Number `" ltem Description, - ' Qty 'Unit ts�ice' z " h . Ext. Price GEOEXPLSRLOOOO CarteFLEX-GISconnectfor ESRlSubscription Renew 100 $2,147.00 $2,14700 M LICEXPLSRL0000 CarteFLEX-MOBILE License Subscription Renew 5.00 $549.00 $2,745 00 MCONEXPLSRL0000 CarteFLEX-MOBILEconnectSubscriptionRenew 1.00 $91600 $916.00 CARTEXPLSRL0000 CarteFLEX Subscription Renew S001 $1,496 00 $7,48000 ACH Information - PREMIER BANK 2625 NW ARTERIAL DUBUQUE, IA 52002 E-mail Remittance To- achremit@cartegraph.com ROUTING NUMBER. 073922652 ACCOUNT NAME, Cartegraph Systems, Inc ACCOUNT NO.. 90123872 Credit card payments, http //cartegraph.com/payments Please note the invoice N from above with payment. Accounts that are past due will be assessed a monthly 1 5% finance charge retroactive from the invoice date Subtotal $13,28800 Sales Tax $000 Balance* $13,288.00 This renewal notice is being sent out to remind you that your maintenance, subscription or support agreement will expire on the support expiration date listed above. To continue your agreement without interruption please return payment within 30 days. If the agreement lapses the renewal will be the list price plus a 40% fee.