2001-2005 CIP I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2001-2005 CIP City of Chanhassen, MN Capital Improvements Program Adopted December 11, 2000 Scott Botcher, City Manager Bruce Dejong, Finance Director I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I 2001-2005 Capital Improvements Program Table of Contents Chapter 1: Policy Capital Improvement Fiscal Policy.............................................................. 1 Chapter 2: I: II: III : Tables Summary of Funding Sources.. ....... ........... ...... ....... ....... ..... ........3 Summary of Expenditures by Program.............. .......... ..................5 Expenditures and Funding Sources by Project Categories................... 6 Chapter 3: Major Equjpment Refurbish Aerial Ladder........ ........................................ ............... ....9 Rescue Boat Replacement.............................................................. 10 800 MHZ Radio System.................................................................. 11 Thermal Rescue Camera................................................................ 12 4-1 nch Fi re Hose Upgrade............................................................... 13 1 ~-Inch Fire Hose Upgrade............................................................. 14 Fire Department/Air Bottle Supply................................................... 15 Fire Department Turnout Gear ....... ................................................. 16 Fire Department Air Bottle Refiller ................................................... 17 Fire Department/Refurbish Engine 211 ...... .............................. .......... 18 Replacement of PC's....!................................................ ............... 19 Telecommunications Upgrade ......... ................................................ 20 Light Duty Trucks........... ..... ...;... ......... ........................................ 21 Dump/Plow Trucks...................................................................... 22 Vibratory Roll Packer ................................................................... 23 Backhoe................................................................................ ... 24 Line Striper ................... ............... .... ... ..... ... ......... ..................... 25 Audio/Visual Equipment Replacement...................... ... ...................... 26 Copier Replacements ................................................................... 27 Light Duty Trucks - Public Works...................................................... 28 Bobcat Snow Blower....... ....... .............. ......... ................................ 29 Tracks for Bobcat........................................................................ 30 Allis Tractor....... ............... ......... .'.. ... ........ ......... .............. .......... 31 Bobcat......................................................................... eo........... 32 Grounds Mower Replacement.......................................................... 33 Tractor ............................. <II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 Tractor Broom............................................................................. 35 Trailer..................................................................................... 36 Grounds Mower Replacement.. .......... ............ ...... ... ... ........... ...... ..... 37 Upgrade Grass Rig....................................................................... 38 Dive Equipment.......................................................................... 39 Mailing Folder/Inserter........................ ......................................... 40 Chapter 4: Munjcipal BuUdjngs Library..................................................................................... 41 Public Works Expansion..... ............... .......... ........ ....................... .... 42 Senior Center.................................................... .......................... 43 Enclosed Salt 8: Sand Storage ....... ........................ ........... ..... ... ... ..... 44 Chapter 5: Park ft TraU Improvements Bandimere Community Park........................ ......... ....... .................... 45 City Center Park............................................:............................ 46 Curry Farms Park..... .......... ...................... ........ ............................ 47 Kerber Pond Park..... ...... ............................................................. 48 Meadow Green Park...................................................................... 49 Power Hill Park .......................................................................... 50 Stone Creek Park...... ....... ................ ........ ................ ................... 51 Whitetail Ridge Court TraiL............................................................ 52 Trail Development (Bandimere Park to Chan Hills)................................. 53 Trail Development (Hwy 101 North) .................................................. 54 Marsh Glen Trail Connector......................... ....... ................ ............ 55 Skate Park Improvements.............................................................. 56 Recreation Center Illuminated Wall Sign ............................................ 57 Tree Plantings............................................................................ 58 Picnic Tables.................................................................:........... 59 New Park Signs................. ....... .............................................. ..... 60 Chapter 6: Sanjtary Sewer Improvements Sanitary Sewer Trunk Extension BC-7................................................. 61 LC-1 Subdistrict Extension.............................................................. 62 Sanitary Sewer Trunk Extension BC-8................................................. 63 Sanitary Sewer Trunk Extension BC-9...... ............... ............................ 64 Sanitary Sewer Trunk Extension BC-2................................................. 65 Sump Pump Inspection ................ .............................................. .... 66 General Repairs ..... ... ....... ............................... ........................ .... 67 Televise Lines............................................................................ 68 Repair Manholes and Infiltration / Inflow............................................. 69 SCADA System Repair 8: Maintenance................................................. 70 Sanitary Sewer Flow Meters......... ....................................... ........ .... 71 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Chapter 7: Street Improvements TH 5/West 78th Street................................................................... 73 Century Boulevard... ..... ..... ..... ................... .............................. .... 74 Lyman Boulevard (West City Limit to TH 101) ...................................... 75 Lake Lucy Road Bituminous Overlay (Between Galpin & Powers) ................ 76 Saddlebrook Curve Bituminous Overlay............ ............... ................ ... 77 Lake Drive/Lake Drive East Bituminous Overlay.................................... 78 Audubon Road Bituminous Overlay (TH 5 to Lyman Blvd.) ........................ 79 Coulter Boulevard Bituminous Overlay (Audubon Rd. to Pillsbury) .............. 80 West 78th Street Bituminous Overlay (Powers to TH 101) ......................... 81 Minnewashta Parkway Bituminous Overlay (TH 5- TH 7) ........................... 82 Annual Street Sealcoat Program....................................................... 83 Chapter 8: Surface Water Management Program Rice Marsh Lake Watershed Project............................................... no 85 Lotus Lake Watershed Project........ ........................... ............. .... ..... 86 Lake Susan Watershed Project................................................;........ 87 Lake Riley Watershed. ............................................. ................. .... 88 Lake Minnewashta Watershed......................................................... 89 Bluff Creek Projects 4.7 and 5.19..................................................... 90 Bluff Creek Projects 6.19 and 7.5..................................................... 91 Bluff Creek Projects 2.13 & 4.12 ......................................................92 Bluff Creek Projects 5.11 & 7.9 .............. ............. ...................... ...... 93 Bluff Creek Projects 2.3 & 3.1 ........................................................ 94 Lake Lucy (Lake Project) ...............................................................95 Chapter 9: Water System Improvements Well No.9................................................................................. 97 Well No. 10. .......... ........... .......t....... ........ .......t.....t..t.t.t..t..... ....t 98 Well No. 11 ......t...... ... ..... ........t ....t.t.t...t.t.t.......t....t..t....t........... 99 2.0 MG Water Reservoir (Lyman Blvd.) ..............................................100 Lake Riley Trunk 11......................................................................101 TH 41 ..................................................................................... 102 Manchester Drive......................... .'..... ......................................... 103 Minnewashta Loop..t... ........ ....... ....t.t.t.t...t.t.t.t... ... .... .....t ....t..t.. ..104 Water Improvements: BC-1 TC & W - Lyman....................................... 105 Lyman Boulevard, Audubon Road-Powers Blvd. .................................... 106 Water Treatment Plant................................................................ 107 Wellhead Protection Program ........................................................ 108 General Repairs......................................................................... 109 SCADA System Upgrades & Maintenance............................................ 110 West 76th Street Tower Repainting................................................... 111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL POLICY GENERAL POLICY Chanhassen's Capital Improvements Program reflects an assessment of the community's needs and its ability to pay for major improvements. It is founded on the policy that reinvestment required for replacement, maintenance, or the increased efficiency of existing systems shall have priority over investments for expansion of existing systems or the provision of new services. FUNDING PRIORITIES Capital spending proposals will generally be funded on the following priority basis: 1. Those projects necessary for contributing to the public health and welfare. 2. Those projects which will help to maintain an existing system. 3. Those projects that will make an existing system more efficient. 4. Those projects representing the expansion of an existing system for new service or completely new public facility or service. FUNDING PRINCIPLES As a result, the following principles shall govern the implementation of the recommended Capital Improvements Program: 1. The city will make all capital improvements in accordance with the adopted Capital Improvements Program. 2. The city will develop a multi-year plan for Capital Improvements and update it annually. 3. The city will coordinate development of the Capital Improvements Program with development of the annual operating budget. Future optional costs associated with new capital improvements will be projected and included in operation budget forecasts. 1 I I I I I I I I I I ..1 . I I 1 I 1 I . I I TABLES I-III I I I I 'II I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table I Capital Improvement Program 2001-2005 Summary of Funding Sources 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Percent Bond Proceeds 6,000,000 - - - - 6,000,000 16.85% Cable TV Fund 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 0.14% Capital Replacement Fund 516,500 184,000 524,000 392,000 992,000 2,608,500 7.33% General Fund 313,100 321,500 311,200 337,200 337,900 1,620,900 4.55% Park Dedication Fund 996,000 275,000 75,000 135,000 - 1,481,000 4.16% Surface Water Mgmt (SWMP) 945,000 560,000 415,000 450,000 - 2,370,000 6.66% Street Assessments 500,000 500,000 1.40% Sewer & Water Expansion Fund 345,000 230,000 260,000 155,000 270,000 1,260,000 3.54% Sewer & Water Expansion Fund 200,000 1,105,000 3,655,000 862,000 3,915,000 9,737,000 27.34% Sewer & Water Assessments 1,500,000 865,000 315,000 850,000 560,000 4,090,000 11.49% MSA 1,303,000 125,000 170,000 4,025,000 - 5,623,000 15.79% TIF 250,000 - - - 250,000 0.70% Youth Sports Ass'n Contribution - - - 20,000 20,000 0.06% Total 12,878,600 3,675,500 5,735,200 7,236,200 6,084,900 35,610,400 100.00% 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table II Capital Improvement Program 2001-2005 Summary of Expenditures by Program 2001 2001-2005 Budget Percent Budget Percent Municipal Buildinos 6,000,000 47% 6,500,000 18% Park and Trail Improvements 996,000 8% 1,501,000 4% Maior Eauipment 604,600 5% 2,474,400 7% Street Improvements 3,393,000 26% 8,783,000 25% Surface Water Manaoement 380,000 3% 1,805,000 5% Sewer System Improvements 885,000 7% 2,960,000 8% Water System Improvements 620,000 5% 11,587,000 33% Total 12,878,600 100% 35,610,400 100% 5 I Table III I Capital Improvement Program 2001-2005 Expenditures and Funding Sources by Project Categories I 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Municipal Buildings Expenditures: 100,0 I Revenues: Capital Replacement Fund 100,000 400,000 500,000 Bond Proceeds 6,000,000 6,000,000 I Total Revenues 6,000,000 100,000 400,000 6,500,000 Park & Trail Improvements Expenditures: 996,00u 275,000 75,000 155,000 1,501,000 I Revenues: Park Dedication Fund 996,000 275,000 75,000 135,000 1,481,000 I Youth Sports Ass'n Contr 20,000 20,000 Total Revenues 996,000 275,000 75,000 155,000 1,501,000 Major Equipment I Expenditures: 604,600 260,500 480,200 464,200 664,900 2,474,400 Revenues: I Cable TV 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Capital Replacement Fund 516,500 184,000 424,000 392,000 592,000 2,108,500 General Fund 78,100 66,500 46,200 62,200 62,900 315,900 Total Revenues 604,600 260,500 480,200 464,200 664,900 2,474,400 I Street Improvements Expenditures: 275,000 8,783,0 I Revenues: MSA 1,303,000 125,000 170,000 4,025,000 5,623,000 TIF 250,000 250,000 SWMP 565,000 565,000 I Street Assessments 500,000 500,000 General Fund 235,000 255,000 265,000 275,000 275,000 1,305,000 Sewer & Water Assessment 540,000 540,000 Total Revenues 3,393,000 255,000 3,648,000 275,000 275,000 7,846,000 I I I I I 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table III (Cont.) Capital Improvement Program 2001-2005 Expenditures and Funding Sources by Project Categories 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Surface Wtr Mgmt (SWMP) Expenditures: 380, 0 560,000 415, 0 450,000 1,805,000 Revenues: Surface Water Mgmt (SWMP) 380,000 560,000 415,000 450,000 1,805,000 Sewer System Improvements Expenditures: 600,000 Revenues: Sewer & Water Assessments 580,000 400,000 315,000 80,000 350,000 1,725,000 Sewer & Water Exp Fund 105,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 445,000 Sewer & Water Utility Fund 200,000 85,000 200,000 95,000 210,000 790,000 Total Revenues 885,000 570,000 1,455,000 260,000 645,000 3,815,000 Water System Improvements Expenditures: 620,000 1,630,000 3,630,000 1,607,000 4,100,000 11,587,000 Revenues: Sewer & Water Assessments 380,000 465,000 770,000 210,000 1,825,000 Sewer & Water Exp Fund 95,000 1,020,000 3,570,000 777,000 3,830,000 9,292,000 Sewer & Water Utility Fund 145,000 145,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 470,000 Total Revenues 620,000 1,630,000 3,630,000 1,607,000 4,100,000 11,587,000 Grand Total Expenditures 12,878,600 3,675,500 5,735,200 7,236,200 6,084,900 35,610,400 Grand Total Revenues 12,878,600 3,675,500 5,735,200 7,236,200 6,084,900 35,610,400 7 I I I 1 I I 1 I I.. I I I I I I I I I I MaJor Equipment I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN _.._._____~.n___.._.___._.._.. Project # EQ-OOl Project Name 100ft. Aerial Ladder Refurbishing 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I I . Description iThis project, scheduled for halfway through the expected life ofthe vehicle, includes repainting the truck and ladder, adding new step grips on each ladder step, ]upgrading the pump to handle 2000 gallons per minute and class A foam, replacing tires, axels and suspension systems, adding a second master stream and adding I ,SCBA to the Officer's seat i I j(l989 Simon LTl) I ; Justification :This vehicle is expected to last 30 years. The recommended refurbishment wiII keep the ladder viable, functional and safe on the road as well as in the air. The project is consistent with the City Vehicle replacement schedule and advice from fleet maintenance. I I Expenditures Equ ipNehicles/Fu rnish Ings Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 35,000 35,000 Total 35,000 35,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 35,000 35,000 Total 35,000 35,000 I I i Operational Impact/Other :Negligible additional operating costs are anticipated. Ii ! I I I I 9 I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment I City of Chanhassen, MN EQ-002 Boat/TrailerlMotor Replacement Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I F'roject # F'roject Name --" I I , Description !Involves replacing the rescue boat, trailer and motor (1985 AlumaCraft). This watercraft is the primary response unit for water-related emergencies in the lakes and 'thll Minnesota River. It is used to transport rescuers and remove victims in near-drowning and drowning incidents, for fast water rescues in the Minnesota River, re<;overy activities dive team support, access to fllooded areas during high water emergencies, etc. I I , Justification This unit will be 18 years old in 2003 and needs replacement I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Fu rnishings Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 I I I , Operational Impact/Other ,Negligible additional operating costs are anticipated. I I I I I 10 I I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN -...--..---."----.---..--------.-..... . Project # EQ-003 Project Name Fire Dept.: 800 MHz Radio System 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I I "I Description__ ilnvolves changing the Fire Department radios to 800 mHz when Carver County makes its county-wide conversion. The existing system will begin to be phased out iin 2002, continuing through 2004. I !Account #400-0000-4705 I · Justification The new system should improve radio coverage and provide additional channels for operations. It allows the Fire Department to continue to use the Carver County ICommunications Center. I I Expenditures EquipNeh icles/Furnishings Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 75,000 75,000 2005 Total 75,000 75,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 75,000 75,000 2005 Total 75,000 75,000 I II Operational Impact/Other I INo additional operating costs are anticipated. II I i I I I I I 11 CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I City of Chanhassen, MN EQ-005 Fire Dept.: Thermal Rescue Device I Project # I'roject Name I ~~~ I Involves purchasing one thennal imaging rescue device over a 3-year period (2000-2002). These devices are used by firefighters while searching for victims inside of the building during a structure fire. The device enables the firefighter to see clearly while 'navigating a dark smoke-filled structure using infrared technology. Without this technology, firefighters are subject to dangerous zero-visibility conditions. This I technology will speed up firefighting operations significantly. Account #400-0000-4705 Justification This project will enhance firefighter safety significantly, improve firefighting operations and allow for fast and safe victim searches. This is consistent with the City's risk management policy. I I Prior ! 20,000 I Total Expenditures EquipNeh icles/Fu rn ishings 2001 20,000 20,000 2002 20,000 20,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 40,000 40,000 I Total I I Prior I 20,000 I Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 20,000 20,000 2002 20,000 20,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 40,000 40,000 I I I Operational Impact/Other This project may lower payroll expenses for paid on-call staff as a result of improved and more efficient fire fighting operations. I I I I I 12 I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Project # Project Name EQ-006 Fire Dept.: LDH Hose Upgrade I Category Priority nJa I c Description Involves replacing the existing 4" large diameter hose with a 5" diameter hose. This hose is used to connect fire hydrants to the fire trucks. There are 2 fire trucks ;remaining that need this conversion - one will be converted in 2000, the other in 200 I. I Account #400-0000-4705 I , Justification ,The existing hose is over 15 years old. The larger hose allows for significant improvements with water flow, which in turn, enhance firefighting capabilities. I I Prior Expenditures 5,000 I EquipNeh icles/Furn ish ings Total Total I I Prior Funding Sources I I 5,000 I Capital Replacement Fund Total Total I I i Operational Impact/Other :No additional operating costs are anticipated. II 2001 5,000 5,000 2002 2004 Total 5,000 5,000 2003 2005 2001 5,000 5,000 2002 2004 Total 5,000 5,000 2003 2005 I I I I I 13 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN EQ-007 Fire Dept.: 13/4 Inch Hose 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment I I I J Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I IPro j eet # Project Name I I))escription i F' 'Involves replacing the existing I 1/2" hose with a I 3/4" hose. This hose is connected to the fire trucks and is used by the firefighters to extinguish fire. There are 2 'trLIcks remaining that need this conversion - one truck will be converted in 2000. I :Account #400-0000-4705 I I L I . Justification : iTile existing hose is over I5 years old. The' larger hose allows for significant improvement in water flow, which in turn, enhances flreflghting capabilities. I I Prior [ 2,500 I Total Expenditures Equ ipNeh icles/Furnishings 2001 3,000 3,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 3,000 3,000 I Total I I Prior [ 2,500 I Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 3,000 3,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 3,000 3,000 I I I : Operational Impact/Other !No additional operating costs are anticipated. I I I I I 14 I I I 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment -I Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nJa CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN Project # Project Name EQ-008 Fire Dept.: Air Bottle Supply I I : Description !Involves replacing 10 air bottles in the existing supply. iThey were purchased out of the operating budget in 2000. I iAccount#101-1220-4xxx I i Justification ,Will replace damaged or outdated air bottles. I ! I Expenditures EquipNehicles/F urn ishings Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 o o 2005 Total o o I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 o o 2005 Total o o I II Operational Impact/Other I No additional operating costs are anticipated. I I I I I 15 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment l Type Equipment I Useful Life Category Priority n/a I I Project # EQ-OIO Fire Dept.: PPE (Turnout/Helmets) Project Name I I L Description Replacement of 3-5 sets per year as a result of damage received from flreflghting activities. The City will also provide new members with new gear after they ;complete their probationary period. j I :Account #400-0000-4705 L:[ustification [Turnout gear lasts approximately 5-7 years on average. ! I I Prior [ 10,000 I Total Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total 2001 10,000 10,000 2002 10,000 10,000 2003 10,000 10,000 2004 10,000 10,000 2005 10,000 10,000 Total 50,000 50,000 I I I Plrior [ 10,000 I Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 10,000 10,000 2002 10,000 10,000 2003 10,000 10,000 2004 10,000 10,000 2005 10,000 10,000 Total 50,000 50,000 I I I : Operational Impact/Other '-- iNo additional operating costs are anticipated. ! I I I I I 16 I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I ---.....--.. , Project# EQ-Oll , Project Name Fire Dept.: Cascade System Air Bottle Refill 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I ~_.._'._. I ! Description I ;The Cascade System is used to refill the SCBA (air packs) used by firefighters. The system is used frequently and it is anticipated that it will need to be refurbished ;in 2002. I I . Justification I !The system is used frequently and it is anticipated that it will need to be refurbished in 2002. This refurbishment should last 10 years. A new system costs $20,000 jto $25,000. I I Expenditures Equ ipNehicles/Furnishings 2001 2002 5,000 5,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 5,000 5,000 Total I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 5,000 5,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 5,000 5,000 I I i Operational Impact/Other INo additional operating costs are anticipated. Ii i I ! I I I I 17 I Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN 2001 thru 2005 I , I'roject # , Project Name EQ-O 12 Fire Dept.: Engine 211 Compressed Air Foam Sys. Category Priority n/a I I Description I I !fuvolves improving the fire "knockdown" capabilities of Engine 211, the City's primary fire suppression vehicle. Compressed air foam systems enhance fire :suppression by introducing an extinguishing agent and cojmpressed air into water used for firefighting. As a result of this system, fire suppression is enhanced with :quicker "knockdown" of the fire and products of combustion while using less water. Other benefits include a safer environment for firefighters because crews can I i"attack" the fire from safer distances -less water means less steam conversion and therefore firefighters will not be subject to steam bums (a common il\iury). ~~ I I :This enhancement will increase firefighter safety significantly as noted in the description. It will also minimize damage to firefighter personnel protective !equipment. It will lower property damage from better exposure protection and less water used during opertation. I Expenditures Equ ipNehicles/Furnishings Total 2001 35,000 35,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 35,000 35,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 35,000 35,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 35,000 35,000 I I I Operational Impact/Other Possibly less damage to turnout gear. Could lower payroll costs as a result of quicker operations. I I I I I 18 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 I ,----------- Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I ---.------ City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-013 Computer Purchases/Upgrades Project Name I . Description ,Funds the purchase of replacement pes, local area network equipment, network and local printers, peripheral hardware and all network and common-user software. 'The replacement schedule was reviewed by the LT. Task Force and is subject to modiflcaitons by the City Manager and Department Heads. I ,Account #101-1160-4703 I i Justification In 1998, the LS. Coordinator deveoped a replacement schedule for this equipment It was based on the following useful life expectancies: 13-5 years -- PCs, network servers '4-5 years -- network printers I Budgeting and purchasing PCs through this project allows the City greater flexibility to direct equipment to where it is needed most, rather than using individual ,budgets. I Prior Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total I 86,400 I EquipNehicles/Furnishings 78,100 66,500 46,200 62,200 62,900 315,900 Total Total 78,100 66,500 46,200 62,200 62,900 315,900 I I Funding Sources 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total I General Fund 78,100 66,500 46,200 62,200 62,900 315,900 Total 78,100 66,500 46,200 62,200 62,900 315,900 I I ' Operational Impact/Other iNo additional operating costs are anticipated. I I I I I ------' I I I I 19 I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN P'roject # EQ-014 Project Name Telecommunication PurchaseslUpgrades Contact Department Major Equipment I Type Equipment Useful Life I Category Priority nJa I I Description Involves the purchase of replacement telephone equipment and transport utiliies required to interconnect City Hall, Public Works and the Recreation Center. Items Wl:re reviewed by the 1999 LT. Task Force. Phase I fiber build has been recommended by both the Task Force and the City's consultant All project phases are subject to modifications by the City Manager and Department Heads. THIS PROJECT IS ON HOLD PENDING FURTHER REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL. I Justification I The City Hall phone system is operating at capacity. No additional phones can be added without a significant investment to expand the already-outdated ltec:hnology. Migrating the City's phone services to one central location over a private municipal fiber allows for consolidation of all incoming lines, greater flexibility in response to incoming calls and the eliminations of monthly line charges for both voice and data. Phone switching equipment in Public Works and Recreation Center could be replaced with new equipment that operates directly from the City Hall switch after A TM is implemented. I I Prior C 118,000 I Total 2001 115,000 115,000 2002 9,000 9,000 2003 9,000 9,000 Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total 2004 9,000 9,000 2005 9,000 9,000 I Total 151,000 151,000 I Prior L 118,000 I Total 2001 115,000 115,000 2002 9,000 9,000 2003 9,000 9,000 Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total Operational Impact/Other I ,The City would incur additional maintenance charges on the ATM hardware. I 2004 9,000 9,000 2005 9,000 9,000 I Total 151,000 151,000 I I I 20 I I I I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 I City of Chanhassen, MN ._------_.._.._..._.__....~._...._-----_._._..._-- EQ-015 Community Dev.: Light Duty Trucks Project # .-.---.---.-.--.----..-----.-1 I I Project Name I ~----------------- Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I · Description Provides for sched~led replacements, starting in 200 I. These purchases are consistent with the Vehicle Replacement Program. Replacement units are generally purchased early in the year to accommodate the time frames established by Hennepin County and the State of Minesota Cooperative Purchasing Program. I I Justification .These vehicles are used to provide building inspection services throughout the community. The average replacement age is 10 years. I I Expenditures Equ ipNeh icles/Fu rnishings Total 2001 21,000 21,000 2002 22,000 22,000 2003 23,000 23,000 2004 24,000 24,000 Total 115,000 115,000 Future 81,000 I Total 2005 25,000 25,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2002 22,000 22,000 2003 23,000 23,000 2001 21,000 21,000 I 2004 24,000 24,000 2005 25,000 25,000 Total 115,000 115,000 I . Operational Impact/Other :These purchases will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the vehicles replaced. I I I I I 21 I Contact Department Major Equipment l Type Equipment i Useful Life I Category Priority nla I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN -- --------- --- - . - ----------------- ---_.- -----~--- - ------ Project # EQ-016 , Project Name Dump/Plow Truck Replacements/Additions I I I [ Description 'These purchases anticipate 5 scheduled replacements and 2 additional dump trucks in the City's inventory. Costs include chassis, dump box, hydraulic system, snow I :wing, snow plow and sander. Truck chassis costs are higher due to new federal mandated anti-lock braking requirements effective since 2000. These vehicles are !purchased using either the Hennepin County or State ofMN cooperative bid systems. Orders for truck chassis are typically required to be placed up to one year in [advance of delivery. lAc count #400-0000-4704 I I . Justification L-: iThese vehicles are used to provide a variety of maintenance services throughout the community including winjter emergency response for plowing and hauling [snow. The average replacement age is 16.5 years. Winter emergency service necessitates these vehicles be reliable and dependable. Growth in the community ; creates an additional plow route approximately every 3 years. The truck scheduled for replacement in 2000 is a 1984 model (57,000 miles). Due to this truck's .CUlrent value of$5,000, it will be kept in the fleet as a backup. These vehicle purchases are consistent with the Vehicle Replacement Schedule. I Prior C 115,000 I Total Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total 2001 118,000 118,000 2002 2003 252,000 252,000 2004 140,000 140,000 2005 133,000 133,000 Total 643,000 643,000 I I I Prior 1115,000 I Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 118,000 118,000 2002 2003 252,000 252,000 2004 140,000 140,000 2005 133,000 133,000 Total 643,000 643,000 I I operational Impact/Other rn;,e purchases will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the vehicles replaced. I I I I I 22 I I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I -.-------....--.....-..-.......-..--.-.- EQ-019 Vibratory Roll Packer 2001 thru 2005 '--'-'~-I Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla Project # Project Name I ~--_..-. I : Description ,Purchase is scheduled to replace the 1987 Rosco Vibratory Roll Packer. The purchase is consistent with the Vehicle Replacement Schedule (lst Quarter of2002). Ii Ii Justification [This machine is used extensively in the patching and overlaying of City streets. The existing unit will be 15 years old. I Ii I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furn ishings Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 45,000 45,000 Total 45,000 45,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 45,000 45,000 Total 45,000 45,000 I I i Operational Impact/Other !This purchase will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the machine replaced. II I I I I I I 23 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN -'-.-----.-..-----.--...----.. Project # EQ-023 l'rojectName Ford 555C Backhoe 2001 thru 2005 ~~-~~ r:: ., i DeSCrIptIOn I ruvides for the replacement of an existing 1989 Tractor Backhoe. ! Contact Department Major Equipment I Type Equipment Useful Life I Category Priority nla I I I l1ustification I mle tractor backhoe is used extensively in maintenance operations. The existing machine currently has 2,300 hours of usage and will be nearly 15 years old at the :time of scheduled replacement This is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. , I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings 2001 2002 2004 2005 I Total 2003 68,000 68,000 Total 68,000 68,000 Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 68,000 68,000 I I 2004 2005 Total 68,000 68,000 I l3,erational Impact/Other I IThis purchase will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the machine replaced. I I L I I I 24 I I I I I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I --.--..-----.- Project # EQ-025 Project Name Line Striper I ~--------- 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment == Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nJa I 'Description :Provides for the replacement of an existing line-striping machine. I I : Justification This machine is used to paint pavement markings and stripe lanes on roads. This purchase will ensure timely and reliable pavement marking operations. It is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. I I Expenditures Equ ipNehicles/Fu rn ishings 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 8,000 8,000 Total 8,000 8,000 Total I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 8,000 8,000 Total 8,000 8,000 I I[ Operational Impact/Other i :This purchase will include a limited warranty. I I I I I I 25 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN EQ-026 AudioNisual Equipment 2001 thru 2005 Project # Project Name Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I I I , Description i Provides for the systematic maintenance and upgrading of audio/visual equipment. Replacement will occur in the 1st Quarter of2003. I Account #210-0000-4705 I '- Justification The original AN equipment was purchased in 1989, with the remainder purchased in 1994. This project calls for the systematic maintenance and upgrading of the AN equipment and additional equipment as new technology develops. Potential projects include: replacement of equipment including, but not limited to, replacing the spotlight system in the Council Chambers and staff microphones. These replacements will ensure the quality of official City meetings and video productions. I I Prior [ 10,000 I Total 2001 10,000 10,000 2002 10,000 10,000 2003 10,000 10,000 Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total 2004 10,000 10,000 2005 10,000 10,000 Total 50,000 50,000 I Prior Funding Sources [ 10,000 I Television (Cable) Fund Total Total 2001 10,000 10,000 2002 10,000 10,000 2003 10,000 10,000 , Operational Impact/Other This purchase will include a limited warranty. I I 2004 10,000 10,000 2005 10,000 10,000 Total 50,000 50,000 I I I I 26 I I I I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact City of Chanhassen, MN Department Major Equipment I -..---.--.-.--.----- l Equipment Project # EQ-027 Type ! Useful Life Project Name Copier Replacements I I ------.. Category Priority nla I ; Description Provides for the purchase of replacement copiers for all City departments. The copiers will be evaluated each year and replaced as necessary. The manufacturers 'have stopped making replacement parts for some copiers in our inventory, so they will need to be replaced ifparts availability becomes problematic. I iAccount #400-0000-4703 I i Justi!!cation I !The project will replace copiers as they become obsolete or maintenance costs escalate to unacceptable levels. The manufacturers have stopped making replacement ;parts for some copiers in our inventory, so they will need to be replaced ifparts availability becomes problematic. Copiers are genearlly replaced on a 7 year schedule. The 2000 budget will replace one of the five copiers located in various City deparunents. I I Prior Expenditures 12,000 I EquipNeh icles/Fu rnishings Total Total I I Prior Funding Sources I 12,000 I Capital Replacement Fund Total Total I 2002 2003 2005 Total 115,000 115,000 2004 15,000 15,000 2001 100,000 100,000 2001 100,000 100,000 2002 2004 15,000 15,000 2005 Total 115,000 115,000 2003 I ! Operational Impact/Other IThese purchases will decrease annual maintenance costs because equipment is generally more reliable than earlier models. II I I I I I I 27 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment I Type Equipment I Useful Life J Category Priority nla I CAPITAL PLAN , P'roject # City of Chanhassen, MN EQ-029 Public Works: Light Duty Trucks I , P'roject Name I I : Description '-- - IProvides for 16 scheduled replacements and 3 additional Public Works light duty trucks. Replacement units are generally purchased early in the year in order to :acl~ommodate the time frames established by Hennepin County and the State ofMN Cooperative Purchasing Program. I I ~lstification _ i These vehicles are used to provide a variety of services throughout the community. The average replacement age is 14 years. The additional trucks are required to :meet growth needs in the maintenance operations. These purchases are consistent with the Vehicle Replacement Program. I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total 2001 2002 113,000 113,000 2003 2004 113,000 113,000 2005 116,000 116,000 Total 342,000 342,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 113,000 113,000 2003 2004 113,000 113,000 2005 116,000 116,000 Total 342,000 342,000 I I I Operational Impact/Other ;These purchases will include a limited warranty and will reduce annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the vehicles replaced. I I I I 28 I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I City of Chanhassen, MN EQ-030 Bobcat Snow Blower Project # Project Name I I Description Provides for replacement of an existing Bobcat Snow Blower. I I . Justification The existing unit will be 15 years old and is at the end of its useful life. Rebuilding is not cost effective. This purchase is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. I I Expenditures EquipNeh icles/Furnishings Total 2001 2002 2003 5,000 5,000 2004 2005 Total 5,000 5,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 5,000 5,000 2004 2005 Total 5,000 5,000 I I Operational Impact/Other i This purchase will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the existing unit. I I I I I I 29 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN EQ-031 Tracks for Bobcat 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment --I Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I Project # I Project Name I I i Description ,Provides for the replacement of rubber tracks for the existing Bobcat ; L I : Justification !The current wear on tracks indicate they will last only 4-5 mOre years. This project is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. I I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furn ishings Total 2001 2002 5.000 5,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 5,000 5,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 5.000 5,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 5.000 5,000 I I I iQi,erational Impact/Other !This purchase will not increase maintenance or repair expenses. I I I I 30 I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN I -..-....-..---------.---------.------ EQ-032 Allis Tractor Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla Project # Project Name -----_.._-.--- I I · Description 'Provides for replacement of an exsisting Allis Tractor. I , I ! The existing unit will be 21 years old and is no longer dependable. This unit is used for dragging ball fields on a daily schedule. This is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. I ' Justification I I Expenditures Equ ipNehicles/Furn ishings Total 2001 9,000 9,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 9,000 9,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 9,000 9,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 9,000 9,000 I II Operational Impact/Other , :This purchase will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the existing unit. I! ! I I I I 31 I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN EQ-033 Bobcat 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I Project # I ][>roject Name I I Description Provides for replacement of an existing Park Maintenance Dept bobcat I Justification The existing bobcat will be 9 years old in 2003, with an estimated 2,750 hours of usage at which time repairs will be needed. This is consistent with the Equipment RI~placement Schedule. I I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 28,000 28,000 Total 28,000 28,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 28,000 28,000 Total 28,000 28,000 I I Operational Impact/Other I This purchase will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the existing unit I I I I I 32 I I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I .----------.----- Project # EQ-034 Project Name Grounds Mower Replacement 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nfa I I Description .Provides fo; replacement of 4 existing law~ mowers over five years. I Account #400-0000-4705 I Justification With the amount of parkland growing each year, there is increased wear and tear on the City's lawn mowers. They are 12-16 years old and are not dependable. Rebuilding is not cost effective. This is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. I I Prior Expenditures 18,4521 EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total Total I I Prior Funding Sources I 20,000 I Capital Replacement Fund Total Total I 2001 2002 2003 20,000 20,000 2004 2005 27,000 27,000 Total 47,000 47,000 2001 2002 2003 20,000 20,000 2004 2005 27,000 27,000 Total 47,000 47,000 I . Operational Impact/Other I This purchase will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the existing unit I I I I I I 33 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN ------" : Project # EQ-035 . Project Name Tractor 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I I I Ir)escription ,... iPl'ovides for replacement 00 existing tractors over a five year period. I IAccount #400-0000-4705 I ! L iJ ustification 12000: Unit is 27 years old with an estimated 4,500 hours of usage. It is used for a variety of Park Maintenance activities, including fertilizing, spraying, grading, 'etc. The new unit will be used for sweeping skating rinks. TillS WILL BE DELAYED UNTIL 2001 FOR A SIGNIFICANTLY REDESIGNED MODEL [2002: Unit is 52 years old. It is smaller, used for seeding parks, raking beaches, grading and ballfield maintenance. 12003: Unit is 16 years old and is not dependable. Rebuilding is not cost effective. It is used for sweeping rinks and trails, grading/leveling parks, fertilizing and Iw(:ed control. !This proiect is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. I I I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total 2001 41,000 41,000 2002 2003 30,000 30,000 2004 2005 45,000 45,000 Total 116,000 116,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 41,000 41 ,000 2002 2003 30,000 30,000 2004 2005 45,000 45,000 Total 116,000 116,000 I I I , Operational Impact/Other ;This purchase will include a limited warranty and will reduce the annual maintenance and repair costs as compared to the existing unit I I I I I 34 I I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I ----. . Project # EQ-036 Project Name Tractor Boom 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nfa I ~---_._-----_._--- I ! Description 'Provides for replacement of a Tractor Broo~ and head for the Ford tractor. I I Ii Justification :The sweeper broom for the tractor is use~xtensively in the street sweeping operation and typically has a useful life of 7-8 years. This is consistent with the 'Equipment Replacement Schedule. I I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furn ishings Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 6,000 6,000 2005 Total 6,000 6,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 6,000 6,000 2005 Total 6,000 6,000 I I ! Operational Impact/Other ~ IThiS purchase will not increase maintenance and repair expenses. Ii I I I I 35 I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN j ][>roject # EQ-037 Project Name Trailer 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nla I I I I !I)escription ~'ovides for addition of a trailer to the existing Park inventory. ! I L !Justification I iTrailer is needed to transport medium-sized mowers to neighborhood parks. This is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. I I I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnish ings Total 2001 2002 2003 7,000 7,000 2004 2005 Total 7,000 7,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 7,000 7,000 2004 2005 Total 7,000 7,000 I I I ~erational Impact/Other I ,The purchase will include a limited warranty. ! I i L- I I I 36 I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN I ; Project # EQ-038 Project Name Grounds Mower Replacement (10') 1--- I I Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority nfa I cPescription Provides for addition of a 10' high-volume grounds mower. I I : Justification The increase of parkland has warranted the use of a mid-sized mower that can be transported to parks that are too far for the large mowers to drive. This is consistent with the Equipment Replacement Schedule. I I Expenditures EquipNeh iclesfFurn ishings Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 41,000 41,000 Total 41,000 41,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 41,000 41,000 Total 41,000 41,000 I I : Operational Impact/Other , !This machine would replace the transporting of 2 smaller mowers to smaller neighborhood parks and reduce mowing time. I I I I I 37 I Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Equipment Priority nla I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN i Project # EQ-039 : )>rojectName Upgrade 217 Grass Rig Pump/Motor/Water Tank I I I lI)escription I !Grass rig/rescue truck #217 is a 1977 Ford pickup. This truck runs as a backup rescue, grass fire rig, hose hauler, and utility truck runs well. For its limited use it !serves its purpose, but it is 24 years old. l I IJ ustification ~ I iUpgrading the gress fire fighting capabilityes with a new tank, pump, and pump motor to foam capabilities will enhance fire extinguishment. The new pump lassembly will be built as a "slide in" unit, so it could be utilitzed in a future truck. With these enhancements, a replacement may be pushed out for five years. I I I I I L Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total 2001 8.500 8,500 2002 2003 2004 2005 60,000 60,000 Total 68,500 68,500 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 8,500 8,500 2002 2003 2004 2005 60,000 60,000 Total 68,500 68,500 I I ~erational Impact/Other I I I I I I 38 I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 i ---l Contact Department M~or Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life 20 years Category Equipment Priority I Urgent I City of Chanhassen, MN ._._~---_._._------------ EQ-040 Dive Equipment Project # I --------.--.---------- Project Name I i Description 'The dive team operates with individual.divers providing their own equipment at their own expense. The dive team would like to purchase six (6) sets of diving gear I !for the rescue operations that they respond to. I ! Justification - - ,In light of the recent drownings at Lake Ann, the need for more training, divers, and proper equipment has become apparent We currently have three members on the dive team. Purchasing this equipment may make it feasible to increase the membership of the team. This will also ensure that the dive team is eady for dive I operations and that the equipment safety satandars are met I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnish ings Total 2001 15,000 15,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 15,000 15,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 15,000 15,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 15,000 15,000 I I Operational Impact/Other I I I I I I 39 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN Project # EQ-041 Project Name Mailing Folder/Inserter 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Major Equipment Type Equipment Useful Life Category Equipment Priority nla I I I Description This is a replacement for the existing Folder/lnserter in the Administration Department It is used for folding and mailing all city-wide and smaller bulk mailings. It will be used more after the utility bill fonnat is changed. I I Justification We are leasing the current machine with no option to purchase. The cost is higher than the cost to lease a new machine with a purchase option for a dollar at the end of the lease at a tinancing rate of 18%. It makes more economic sense for us to purchase the machine at the city's cost of capital of 6% and tinance it over four or five years through the issuance of equipment certificates. I I Expenditures EquipNeh icles/Furnish ings Total 2001 16,000 16,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 16,000 16,000 I I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 16,000 16,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 16,000 16,000 I I I : Operational Impact/Other I I I I I 40 I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Municipal Buildings I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact City of Chanhassen, MN I ~-----.-..._.---- MB-OOl Library Expansion Department Municipal Buildings Type Improvement Useful Life Project # Project Name I --.----------------- Category Buildings Priority n/a I i Description -This project provides for the expansion of the current library. Currently, the library has 5,800 sq. ft. Scheduling to be detennined as part of Needs Analysis. I I The city has hired a Library consultant to review the needs analysis for the Library expansion. This work is consistent with the policy of providing timely and efficient preventative maintenance of the City's buildings. Justification I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 6,000,000 6,000,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 6,000,000 6,000,000 Total I I I Funding Sources Bond Proceeds 2001 6,000,000 6,000,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 6,000,000 6,000,000 Total I I · Operational Impact/Other iThese projects generally improve building efficiencies. However, with the expansion, there wi\l be a percentage increase based on the expanded footprint of the I Library. I I I I 41 I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN Project # MB-003 Project Name Public Works Facility Expansion 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Municipal Buildings Type Improvement Useful Life I I Category Buildings Priority nla I I . Description This project provides for the upgrade of the Operations and Maintenance Department facilities located at 1591 Park Road. The building layout will be reconfigured for increased efficiency and centralized support Plan development will begin in 2001, with construction starting in early 2002. I Account #459 & #710 I . Justification Currently, the Operations and Maintenance Department needs additional space for repairs, accessible meeting areas, file and plan storage, supervisory offices and equipment storage. This will be accomplished by centralizing activities around the current truck garage. Thl~ project provides for increased facility efficiency by centralizing activities. This concept was supported by the City Council in 1998. I Expenditures Planning/Design 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 200,000 200,000 Total Future I 200,000 I 1,700,000 I 200,000 Total I I Total Future 200,000 I 1,700,000 I I 200,000 Total I I I I I I I I Total Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 200,000 200,000 ! Operational Impact/Other iThis project would increase operational costs based on the percentage of the footprint expansion. I I I I L-- 42 I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN Project # MB-004 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Municipal Buildings Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla Project Name Senior Center Expansion I I i Description This project provides for additional space to our current Senior Center based on increased usage of the facility. It will be developed in 2002, and construction will be !completed in 2003. I I : Justification Based on increased usage of the current Senior Center. This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 100,000 100,000 2004 2005 Total 100,000 100,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 100,000 100,000 2004 2005 Total 100,000 100,000 I Ii Operational Impact/Other iThis project would increase operational costs based on the percentage of the footprint expans ion. I' I I I I 43 I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN 2001 thru 2005 Contact I Department Municipal Buildings ~ ! i Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla I Project # Project Name MB-005 Enclosed Salt & Sand Storage Facility I I lElescription iProvides for the construction of a building to house the winter salt/sand mix. i I IAccount #459 I I Justification i It is anticipated that future EP A regulations may require enclosures for salt/sand storage. The project provides for an environmentally friendly facility and meet EP A guidelines. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 200,000 200,000 Total 200,000 200,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Capital Replacement Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 200,000 200,000 Total 200,000 200,000 I I I I Operational Impact/Other ]This project will have no effect on operating costs. i I I I I I I I 44 I I I I I I I I Park & Trail Improvements I I I ' .1 I I I I I .1 I "'1 I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I --------..-.- .---. .---.-----.--- Project # PK&T-OOl 2001 thru 2005 ----1 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Improvements: Bandimere Community Park I , .--.-..--, Category Priority n/a I I Description _ I Bandimerer is a a 30-acre Community Park (9405 Great Plains Blvd. - TH 101). The following improvements are recommended: 2000 - Plan Equipment (Phase 1) - $60,000 - Outdoor Grills - $1,000 2003 - Silo Restoration - $25,000 2004 - Play Equipment (Phase II) - $40,000 _-=--!:lill1I.l&~Area - $15.000 Justification This project involves the implementation of recommendations set forth by the Park & Recreation Commission. It is consistent with the City's efforts to maintain its natural resources and the public's investment in community parks. I I I Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Construction/Maintenance 25,000 25,000 EquipNeh icles/Furnishings 55,000 55,000 Total 25,000 55,000 80,000 I I Funding Sources 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Park Dedication Fund 25,000 35,000 60,000 Youth Sports Ass'n Contributio 20,000 20,000 Total 25,000 55,000 80,000 I I I . Operational Impact/Other "..=-=" These projects will increase annual operating costs by an estimated $4,000. I I I I I I 45 CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life I City of Chanhassen, MN PK&T -003 Development: City Center Park Project # I Project Name Category Priority n/a I I Description City Center Park is a 10-acre Community Park - a collaborative effort between School District 112 and the City to provide an active park for elementary school children and Chanhassen residents. The Master Plan developed by the Park & Recreation Commission includes the addition of a Park Shelter/Warming House (2002) and Senior Garden and Hockey Boards (2000). The Senior Gardens is an amenity requested by many of the seniors residing in Centennial Hills. Major improvements include planting beds, decorative arbors and hard surface paths. The garden will be located in the NW comer of the park adjacent to Kerber Blvd. Account #410-0000-4701 and #410-0000-4705 I I Justification City Center Park is home to the largest outdoor skating venue in the City. The Shelter will replace a rental satellite building. The improvements are consistent with th(: general plan. *Note: The Park & Recreation Director will determine the need for hockey boards ($30,000 in 2000) I Prior [ 60,000 I Total Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 275,000 275,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 275,000 275,000 I Total Prior C 60,000 I Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 2002 275,000 275,000 2003 2004 I I 2005 Total 275,000 I 275,000 I I I .---! I I I I I Total Operational Impact/Other i These projects will increase annual operating costs by an estimated $2,200. 46 I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements I City of Chanhassen, MN PK&T-004 Playground Equipment: Curry Farms Park Proj ect # Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority n/a Project Name I I : Description 1mprovements for Curry Farms Park are part of a tive-year plan to provide playground equipment replacement in 2004 (summer). I I I I Original wood equipment was installed in 1989 and is expected to have a IS-year life span. Comprehensive Plans call for an active recreation site within 1/2 mile of , .every household. ' Justification I I Expenditures EquipNeh icles/Furnishings Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 40,000 40,000 2005 Total 40,000 40,000 I I I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 2002 2003 2004 40,000 40,000 2005 Total 40,000 40,000 Total I I . Operational Impact/Other I No additional operating costs are anticipated. I I I I I 47 I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I'roject # PK& T -005 J'roject Name Signage: Kerber Pond Park 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority n/a ~)escription i IInstall signage for an existing interpretive trail around Kerber Pond Park (summer). ! :Note: Four or five locations will be selected for interpretive signage and other appropriate site amenities (bench/table). The sign material will most likely be metal iwith an appropriate frame and mounting standards. The project would only be completed if the signs can compliment their surroundings. J1llstification .Local history and its interpretation is an area in which the Park & Recreation Commission would like to expand. This will improve the overall experience at this 10Gation. Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnish ings 2001 2002 2003 10,000 10,000 2004 2005 Total 10,000 10,000 Total Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 2002 2003 10,000 10,000 2004 2005 Total 10,000 10,000 Total c-- i Operational Impact/Other :EffeGt on annual operations are estimated to be $400. 48 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN I PK&T-006 I I Project # Project Name Improvements: Meadow Green Park I I Description Provides for landscaping, grill and playground replacement (summers). I Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a Justification I The new shelter acts as a gathering or focal point The original wood playground structure was installed in 1984 and is in need of repalcement The improvements are consistent with the general plan. I I Prior 6,000 I Total 2001 2002 2004 2005 Total 40,000 40,000 2003 40,000 40,000 Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total I I Prior I 6,000 I Total 2001 2002 2003 40,000 40,000 Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund Total 2004 2005 Total 40,000 40,000 I I ! Operational Impact/Other Negligible additional operating costs are anticipated. I I I I I I 49 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN . Project # PK&T -008 Project Name Play Area: Power Hill Park 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements I Type Improvement Useful Life I Category Priority nla I I ~)escription )nvolves the construction of a Phase II play area at Power Hill Park (Flamingo Drive). I L- I . Justification '--- The Power Hill Service Area is large and contains a high population of children. The playground was designed to accept a Phase II expansion. The project is . consistent with plans for all neighborhood parks. I Expenditures EquipNeh icles/Furnishings Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 20,000 20,000 2005 Total 20,000 20,000 I I I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 2002 2003 2004 20,000 20,000 2005 Total 20,000 20,000 I Total I I ~erational Impact/Other JEffect on annual operations are estimated to be $400. I I i '-- I I I 50 I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 I City of Chanhassen, MN PK&T-OIO Play Area: Stone Creek Park -I I i I Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla Project # Project Name I I ! Description IInvolves the construction of a Phase II play area (2250 Stone Creek Lane East). Site is prepared to accept Phase II. I Ii Justification [Stone Creek is a large neighborhood in need ofa play area addition. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 20,000 20,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 20,000 20,000 Total I I I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 20,000 20,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 20,000 20,000 Total I I i Operational Impact/Other IINegligible additional operating costs are anticipated. ] I I I I I I 51 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN !Project # PK&T-Oll !Project Name Trail: Whitetail Ridge Ct. to Lake Lucy Ln. I I I Description Involves the construction of a trail segment from Whitetail Ridge Court to Lake Lucy Lane. I I Justification ,The Galpin Blvd. Neighborhoods need a more direct link to Pheasant Hill Park. With the trail, the 1/2 mile service area radius of Pheasant Hill Park would be greatly enlarged. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 2004 40,000 40,000 2005 Total 40,000 40,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 2002 2003 2004 40,000 40,000 2005 Total 40,000 40,000 I Total I I i Operational Impact/Other 'Effe(;t on annual operations are estimated to be $400. I I I I 52 I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN I n-pr~-;;t-#--- PK&T-012 Project Name Trail: Bandimere Park to Chanhassen Hills Type Improvement Useful Life I Category Priority n/a I i De~tion Involves development of a trail system from Bandimere Park to Chanhassen Hills. I ,Deleted and funds reallocated to Hwy 101 N Trail. I 'Justification . iThe trail is the missing link in the South Highway 101 Trail System. It is identified in the Comprehensive Plan. I I Expenditures Construction/Ma intenance 2001 o o 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total o o Total I I I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 o o 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total o o Total I I i Operational Impact/Other ,These projects will increase annual operating costs by an estimated $2,000. II I I I I I 53 CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I City of Chanhassen, MN PK&T-013 Trail: Hwy 101 (S. Shore Dr. to Townline Dr.) I Project # Project Name I I Description I Involves construction ofa pedestrian trail concurrent with the reconstruction of North Leg ofTH 101. Planning meetings are being conducted. It is the City's desire to complete this segment as soon as possible. It has been delayed due to the reconstruction ofTH 101. I I Justification ,The trail segment ranks #1 in the Comprehensive Plan. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 850,000 850,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 850,000 850,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 850,000 850,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 850,000 850,000 I Total I I Opl:rational Impact/Other I TheSe: projects will increase annual operating costs by an estimated $3,000. I I I I 54 I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla Project # Project Name I I I Description iConstruction of an eight foot wide pedestrian trail connecting Mission Hills Lane to the Lake SusanlRice Marsh Lake trail. I I i Justification Identified in the city's comprehensive trail plan. Nees to be constructed with the development of Marsh Glen (approved July 24, 2000). I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 68,000 68,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 68,000 68,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 68,000 68,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 68,000 68,000 Total I I Operational Impact/Other I I I I I 55 I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla I City of Chanhassen, MN PK&T-016 Skate Park Improvements Project # I Project Name I I Description Add a covered shelter, seating and access stairs from the parking lot. I I i Designed to improve spectator appeal encouraging parents and other adults to spend time at the park. Their presence works to mitigate negative behavior issues. The skate park has become one of the top recreation destinations in the city. Justification I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 35.000 35,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 35.000 35,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 35,000 35,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 35,000 35,000 I Total I I . Operational Impact/Other I I I I 56 I I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I -------.---.--- , Project # PK& T -017 Project Name Recreation Center Illuminated Wall Sign 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla I --..------------...----.--..---.-.-----.--.-------- I : Description :Lighted exterior sign to identify the Recreation Center separately from Bluff Creek Elementary School. I, I . Justification A temporary banner has proven effective in attracting business from Highway 5. The wall sign is very economical when compared to other fonns of advertising. The recreation center generates $150,000 - $200,000 annually. 1 1 Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 10,000 10,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 10,000 10,000 Total I I 1 Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 10,000 10,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 10,000 10,000 Total I I Operational Impact/Other 1 I 1 I I 57 I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN ,----_.~---- . ]f>roject# PK&T-018 Project Name Tree Plantings 2001 fhru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life I I Category Priority nla I I ; Description I ;This project funds tree plantings in various community and neighborhood parks I I : Justification j I 'The best time to plant trees was 20 years ago - the second best time is today. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 5,000 5,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 5,000 5,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 5,000 5,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 5,000 5,000 I Total I ! Operational Impact/Other .......... ! I I I I I I 58 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements I City of Chanhassen, MN -----..-..--..-.--.----- Project # PK&T-020 Project Name Picnic Tables ~ I Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla I ----------------- I : Description This project replaces worn picnic tables at various city parks. I I ; Justification Each year damaged and dilapidated tables need to be replaced. I I I Expenditures EquipNehicles/Furnishings Total 2001 4,000 4,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 4,000 4,000 I I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 4,000 4,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 4,000 4,000 Total I I I . Operational Impact/Other I' I I I 59 I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN .--..--.--.--.--------.....-- Project # PK&T-019 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nJa I I ["roject Name New Park Signs I I Description >=- . - This project will fund new park signs. I Justification I - . The existing signs are 12 years old and in need of updating. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 4,000 4,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 4,000 4,000 I I Total I Funding Sources Park Dedication Fund 2001 4,000 4,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 4,000 4,000 I Total I I I Operational Impact/Other I I I I 60 I I I I I I I I Sanitary Sewer Improvements I I I I I I: I I I I I I ~_'", i,,( '0'-, .~..' ~ '. I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Project # I.mm-----. Project Name Category Priority nla I -------~-- pescripti_on _ " Trunk extension from Point BC 2.4 to BC 3.1. I I _ Justification Needed to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan. I ~---~- I Prior Expenditures 370,000 I Construetion/Maintena nee I Total Total I I Prior Funding Sources 370,000 I Sewer & Water Assessments Total Total I I --~--- Ope~ational_ Impact/Other I I This project will increase maintenance costs. 2001 380,000 380,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 380,000 380,000 2001 380,000 380,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 380,000 380,000 I I I I I 61 CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 I City of Chanhassen, MN SS-002 Sanitary Sewer: LC-l .Pro j ect # Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life I IProject Name Category Priority n/a I Description Le-l Sub-district extension. I I Justification NI~eded to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 200,000 200,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 200,000 200,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Assessments 2001 200,000 200,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 200,000 200,000 I Total I I Operational Impact/Other This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I I 62 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a Project # 1 Project Name .1 , Description Trunk extension from Point BC 3.1 to BC 4.2. I Petition received from developer desiring service in 2000. However, TH 5/W est 78th Street project and Be-7 project must be completed tirst. 1 Justification Needed to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan. 1 I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 400,000 400,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 400,000 400,000 1 Total I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Assessments 2001 2002 400,000 400,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 400,000 400,000 Total 1 I i Operational Impact/Other l I ,This project will increase maintenance costs. I I 1 I 1 63 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN -.-------. --. Project # SS-004 Project Name Sanitary Sewer: BC-9 2001 thru 2005 I Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I I I Description Trunk extension from Point BC 4.1 to Point BC 5.!. Development may require concurrent with BC-8 project. I I Justification Nel~ded to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 315,000 315,000 2004 2005 Total 315,000 315,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Assessments 2001 2002 2003 315,000 315,000 2004 2005 Total 315,000 315,000 I Total I I Ope,rational Impact/Other This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I 64 I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a Project # I Project Name I Description Trunk extension from Point BC 1.1 to BC 1.2. I I Justification Needed to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan. I I Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Construction/Maintenance 80,000 350,000 430,000 I Total 80,000 350,000 430,000 I I Funding Sources 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Sewer & Water Assessments 80,000 350,000 430,000 Total 80,000 350,000 430,000 I I Operational Impact/Other I 'This project will increase maintenance costs. 1-- I I I I 65 CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN SS-006 Sump Pump Inspections , J'roject # Project Name Description Inspections required to minimize sump pwnp discharge to sanitary sewer system. A<:count #700-7701-4300 I Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements I Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I I I I Justification MCES Loan/Grant Agreement requires ongoing re-inspections to insure sump pump connections removed with 1996 project are not reconnected. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan. I Prior C 25,000 I Total 2001 25,000 25,000 2002 25,000 25,000 2003 25,000 25,000 Expenditures Construction/Maintenance Total I 2004 25,000 25,000 2005 25,000 25,000 I Total 125,000 125,000 Prior L 25,000 I Total 2001 25,000 25,000 2002 25,000 25,000 2003 25,000 25,000 Funding Sources Sewer & Water Utility Fund Total I 2004 25,000 25,000 2005 25,000 25,000 I Total 125,000 125,000 Operational Impact/Other :Will minimize sanitary sewer treatment costs for sump pwnp (clean) water. I I I 66 I I I I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Project # Project Name I ----------- ---.-- I Description Provides for emergency and unplanned repairs to the sanitary sewer system. I 'Account #700-7702-4551 Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I Justification Sewer system failures such as pipe breaks, pump starters, motors and electrical control problems are unpredictable, but inevitable. These failures are most often emergencies in nature and require immediate repair action. This program is necessary to expedite repairs and maintain a high level of service. I I Prior 2002 50,000 50,000 2003 50,000 50,000 Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 50,000 50,000 40,000 I I Total Total I I Prior 40,000 I Total 2002 50,000 50,000 2003 50,000 50,000 Funding Sources Sewer & Water Utility Fund Total 2001 50,000 50,000 I I Operational Impact/Other i I This project will not increase maintenance costs. 2004 60,000 60,000 2005 60,000 60,000 Total 270,000 270,000 2004 60,000 60,000 2005 60,000 60,000 Total 270,000 270,000 I I I I I 67 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN 2001 thru 2005 I Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life I ]l'roject # SS-008 Televise Sewer Lines Project Name Category Priority nla I I Description Provides for annual televising of sanitary sewer lines suspected of having leakages, rainfall inflow and/or ground water intiltration. Account #700-7702-4300 I I Justification This program is important to verify the integrity of the sanitary sewer piping system. Leaking pipes can pose a health risk. Clear water inflow and infiltrations also incease the City's cost for treatment of sewer flow. The program is required to maintain a reliable and safe sanitary sewer piping system. I Plrior [ 10,000 I Total Expenditures Planning/Design 2001 2002 10,000 10,000 2003 2004 10,000 10,000 2005 Total 20,000 20,000 I Total I I Prior L 10,000 I Total Funding Sources Sewer & Water Utility Fund Total 2001 2002 10,000 10,000 2003 2004 10,000 10,000 2005 Total 20,000 20,000 I I I Operational Impact/Other I This program will not increase operational costs. It could lower costs by reducing the volume of sewer flow needing treatment I I I I I 68 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a City of Chanhassen, MN I ---.-.- .-..-..--. --..--..-.-- 88-009 Repair Manholes, Infiltrationllnflow (1/1) Project # Project Name I I Description Provides for planned repairs and maintenance to the sanitary sewer piping system. I Account #700-7702-4551 I Justification - - This program is developed based on information obtained from the televising inspection program. The work is necessary to maintain the integrity of the sanitary sewer system. It is required to maintain a reliable and safe system. I -~--_.~ I I I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 125,000 125,000 2002 2003 125,000 125,000 2004 2005 125,000 125,000 Total 375,000 375,000 Total Funding Sources Sewer & Water Utility Fund Total 2001 125,000 125,000 2002 2003 125,000 125,000 2004 2005 125,000 125,000 Total 375,000 375,000 I I Operational Impact/Other I This program will not increase operational costs and may reduce sewer treatment costs. I I I I 69 I 2001 thru 2005 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN -------...-.----- I'roject# SS-010 I'rojectName SCADA System Repair & Maintenance I Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Equipment Useful Life I Category Priority nla I . Description Provides for the updating of the SCADA system control panels for the City's 29 sanitary sewer pumping stations. The panels will be replaced over a 5 year period. I AGcount #700-7702-4705 I I Justification The sewer lift station control panels have a defined, reliable or useful life span. It is becoming more difficult each year to get parts for older panels that are no longer made and/or the manufacturer is out of business. This replacement program will be a proactive approach to ensure reliable sewer service. I Expenditures Equ ipNehicles/Furnish ings Total 2001 80,000 80,000 2002 85,000 85,000 2003 85,000 85,000 Funding Sources Sewer & Water Expansion Fun Total 2001 80,000 80,000 2002 85,000 85,000 2003 85,000 85,000 I 2004 85,000 85,000 2005 85,000 85,000 Total 420,000 420,000 I I 2004 85,000 85,000 2005 85,000 85,000 Total 420,000 420,000 I I I Operational Impact/Other This program will likely decrease annual repair and maintenance costs due to reduced problems and failures with the equipment. I 70 I I I I I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I --.---.----.-..... .........--....--.--...---.--.--.--.-- Project # SS-O 11 2001 thru 2005 ------, ! i Contact Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Equipment Useful Life Project Name Sanitary Sewer Flow Meters I ------- ---.------ Category Priority n/a I ! Description Provides for the acquisition and installation of flow meters at the three primary sewer departure locations. Project would be phased over 2 years. I Account #710-0000-4705 I . Justification The City's annual sewer treatment cost paid to the Met Council is more than $lmillion. Since this cost is based on flow volume measured by the Met Council, the City should take measures to verify its sewer flow volume. I I Prior Expenditures I 25,000 I EquipNehicles/Fu rnishings Total Total I I Prior Funding Sources I 25,000 I Sewer & Water Expansion Fun Total Total I 2001 25,000 25,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 25,000 25,000 2001 25,000 25,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 25,000 25,000 I ,Operational Impact/Other This project will have a minimal effect on maintenance costs and may reduce annual sewer flow cost. I I I I I 71 I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I Street Improvements I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla Project # I -- ---------------- Project Name I Description Provides for construction of West 78th Street from its currenttenninus at Lake Ann Park to Trunk Highway 41. This includes the extension of BC-7 I '(1032,1033,1036,1040,1041) water main to the west side ofTH 41. Bid opening is scheduled for June 14,2000. I Project is needed to provide service to developing areas. It is consistent with the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan and the 1998 Water Supply and Distribution Plan. Justification I I Prior Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2,040,000 2,040,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 2,040,000 2,040,000 I 1,915,000 I I Total Total I Prior II 1,915,000 I Total Funding Sources MSA Sewer & Water Assessments Surface Water Utility Fund TIF 2001 1,050,000 340,000 400,000 250,000 2,040,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 1,050,000 340,000 400,000 250,000 2,040,000 I Total I Operational Impact/Other I This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I 73 I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN _._______.._.__...___m________. ____ Project # ST -002 I[>roject Name Century Blvd. 2001 thru 2005 I Contact Department Street Improvements Type Improveme~t Useful Life I Category Priority nla I I Description :Provides for construction of Century Boulevard including water (1039) and sewer (BC 23) improvements from its current north terminus to approximately 200 feet :south ofTrunk Highway 5. I I Justification ,Project is needed to provide service to developing areas. It is identified in the feasibility report for the Arboretum Business Park Public Improvements - Project No. 97-1. The connection of Century Boulevard to TH 5 is included in the TH5/West 78th Street Project. This project will complete the overall work scope identified in thl: feasibility study for Project No. 97-1. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 865.000 865,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 865.000 865,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Assessments Street Assessments Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 200.000 500.000 165.000 865,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 200.000 500.000 165.000 865,000 I I I ! Operational Impact/Other This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I I 74 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact I City of Chanhassen, MN Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Project # ST -004 Lyman Blvd (West City Limits to TH 101) I ------------.----- Project Name Category Priority nla I Description Provides for reconstruction of Lyman Boulevard from West City limit to TH 101. It was identified as ajoint City/County project ina 1994 Master Agreement to be constructed in 1996. Ajoint powers agreement was drafted, however, not executed due to lack of funding. I I As with any county road project, there will be certain responsibilities borne by the City (e.g., stormwater. trail, lighting, sewer & water, etc.). Any MSA funds .utilized for construction of a County State Aid Highway distracts from the City's ability to construct and maintain its Municipal State Aid Street System. Justification I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 2004 3,900,000 3,900,000 2005 Total 3,900,000 3,900,000 I Total I I Funding Sources MSA 2001 2002 2003 2004 3,900,000 3,900,000 2005 Total 3,900,000 3,900,000 Total I I . Operational Impact/Other I This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I 75 I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 I City of Chanhassen, MN I>roject # ST -005 Project Name Bituminous Overlay: Lake Lucy Rd. Contact Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla I I ! Description ,... iProvides for a bituminous overlay on Lake Lucy Road between Galpin Boulevard and Powers Boulevard. This project is consistent with the 1999 Pavement IManagement Study. !AGcount #415-0000-4540 I I I Justification Appropriate routine maintenance technique based on 1991 Pavement Management Study. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 95,000 95,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 95,000 95,000 I Total I I Funding Sources MSA 2001 95,000 95,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 95,000 95,000 I Total I I I Op(~rational Impact/Other !This project may decrease maintenance costs. I I I I 76 I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact I City of <?_ha~assen, MN ST -006 Bituminous Overlay: Saddlebrook Curve Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Project # Project Name I .~-_._....-.--.---.-.-........----..--_.....-.._-_.__.----- Category Priority nla I 'Description Provides for a bituminous overlay of Saddle brook Curve. Plans and specs will be prepared by Engineering Department for Spring 2000 bid opening. I Account #415-0000-4540 I Justification Appropriate routine maintenance technique based on 1991 Pavement Management Study. It is consistent with the 1999 Pavement Management Study. I I Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Construction/Maintenance 18,000 18,000 Total 18,000 18,000 I I Funding Sources 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total I MSA 18,000 18,000 Total 18,000 18,000 I I : Operational Impact/Other ,This project may decrease maintenance costs. I I I I I I 77 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN ST-007 Bituminous Overlay: Lake DriveILake Drive East 2001 thru 2005 Contact I Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I Project # Project Name I I Description Provides for a bituminous overlay of Lake Drive and Lake Drive East. Plans and specs will be prepared by Engineering Department for Spring 2000 bid opening. Account #415-0000-4540 I I Justification Appropriate routine maintenance technique based on 1991 Pavement Management Study. It is consistent with the 1999 Pavement Management Study. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 140,000 140,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 140,000 140,000 I Total I I Funding Sources MSA 2001 140,000 140,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 140,000 140,000 I Total I I . Operational Impact/Other !....-.:... This project may decrease maintenance costs. I I I I I 78 I I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN ---~--_._.~._----- --------------- Project # ST -008 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I , Project Name Bituminous Overlay: Audubon Rd. I . Description ,Provides for a bituminous overlay of Audubon Road between TH 5 and Lyman Boulevard. I I Justification --- - Appropriate routine maintenance technique based on 1991 Pavement Management Study. It is consistent with the 1999 Pavement Management Study. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 110,000 110,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 110,000 110,000 I Total I I Funding Sources MSA 2001 2002 110,000 110,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 110,000 110,000 Total I I I Operation~mpact/Other I This project may decrease maintenance costs. I I I I 79 I Type Improvement Useful Life I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN ---..---.-.-.------....-...--.... Project # ST -009 Project Name Bituminous Overlay: Coulter Blvd. Contact Department Street Improvements Category Priority n/a I I Description Provides for a bituminous overlay of Coulter Boulevard between Audubon Road and Pillsbury. I I Justification Appropriate routine maintenance technique based on 1991 Pavement Management Study. It is consistent with the 1999 Pavement Management Study. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 15,000 15,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 15,000 15,000 I Total I I Funding Sources MSA 2001 2002 15,000 15,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 15,000 15,000 I Total I I , Operational Impact/Other This project may decrease maintenance costs. I I I I .1 80 I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN I -.---. _mm.n__m_ ........m... m__...._m_m___._. ST-OIO Bituminous Overlay: West 78th St. 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nJa Project # Project Name Inm-mm--_._m I Description ==-'='---="'''===.......~-~''-'"''''."'''=--_.~ =-~ Provides for a bituminous overlay of West 78th Street between Powers Boulevard and TH 10L I I _n________________ Justification Appropriate routine maintenance technique based on 1991 Pavement Management Study. It is consistent with the 1999 Pavement Management Study. I --------------- I Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Construction/Maintena n ce 170,000 170,000 Total 170,000 170,000 I I Funding Sources 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total I MSA 170,000 170,000 Total 170,000 170,000 I I--m----m-__---- Operational Impact/Other This project may decrease maintenance costs. I I I I I I 81 Contact Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN .-.--....-----.-. Project # ST -011 2001 thru 2005 I Project Name Bituminous Overlay: Minnewashta Parkway Category Priority n/a I . Descripti~ Provides for a bituminous overlay of Minnewashta Par!,:way between TH 5 and TH 7. I I I J Ilstification Appropriate routine maintenance technique based on 1991 Pavement Management Study. It is cons is tent with the 1999 Pavement Management Study. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 2004 125,000 125,000 2005 Total 125,000 125,000 I Total I I Funding Sources MSA 2001 2002 2003 2004 125,000 125,000 2005 Total 125,000 125,000 I Total I I Operational Impact/Other This project may decrease maintenance costs. I I I I 82 .1 I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN ..._.....+.______...._...m...___ ....._.__...._...____.____..____._ ...._____._.._.....__~~.___.__._.__._____~ ST-012 Annual Street Sealcoat Program 2001 thru 2005 I Project # I...~"t N:m, I Description Provides for routine sealcoating of streets as recommended in the 1991 Pavement Management Study. I Contact Department Street Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla I Justification Appropriate routine maintenance technique based on 1991 Pavement Management Study. It is consistent with the 1991 Pavement Management Study. I I Prior Expenditures 235,000 I Construction/Maintenance I Total Total I Prior Funding Sources I 235,000 I General Fund Total Total I 2002 255,000 255,000 2003 265,000 265,000 2001 235,000 235,000 2001 235,000 235,000 2002 255,000 255,000 2003 265,000 265,000 I Operational Impact/Other I This project may decrease maintenance costs. 2004 275,000 275,000 2005 275,000 275,000 Total 1,305,000 1,305,000 Total 1,305,000 1,305,000 I I I I I 83 2004 275,000 275,000 2005 275,000 275,000 I I I I I .1 I Surface Water Management I Improvements I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Surface Water Management Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla I City of Chanhassen, MN SWMP-OOl Rice Marsh Lake Watershed Project Project # Project Name 1----------- I _D.:~~t]:~~~~~.= _ SWMP Projects 5.7,4.9. Provides for the creation of stonnwater ponds at these locations. Feasibility Study in 2000. I Account #720-0000-4769 I ------.------------- Justification These projects are identifIed, detailed and prioritized in the City's Surface Water Management Plan to meet water quality goals for Rice Marsh Lake. Will reduce the sediment and nutrient loads into Rice Marsh Lake. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 85,000 85,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 85,000 85,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund. Total 2001 85,000 85,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 85,000 85,000 I I ------------- ~per~~ioEal-_!mpac.t/Other I Th~, "ojo'" wHl b' ",m"d wi'" "', mm'" '1"'.'" bodg',,' "', S~f,,, w,., M,,,,'m'" Plm, funded by tho St,~ W"",, Utility, I I I I I 85 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN --------..-..---.----....- ---..--'--- I'roject# SWMP-002 I'rojectName Lotus Lake Watershed Projects 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Surface Water Management Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla I I I I Description SWMP Projects 10.17, 9.2. Provides for the creation of stormwater ponds at these locations. Feasibility Study in 200 I. I I Justification These projects are identitied, detailed and prioritized in the City's Surface Water Management Plan to meet water quality goals for Lotus Lake. Will reduce the sediment and nutrient loads into Lotus Lake. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 90,000 90,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 90,000 90,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 90,000 90,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 90,000 90,000 I I I Operational Impact/Other These projects will be financed with the annual operating budget of the Surface Water Management Plan, funded by the Storm Water Utility. I I I I 86 .1 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 I City of Chanhassen, MN .--..-.--------.---.-.. .. ..-.-..--.-....----.-.--.------.---.--.--.------ Project # SWMP-003 Project Name Lake Susan Watershed Contact Department Surface Water Management Type Improvement Useful Life I Category Priority nla I . Description SWMP Projects 3.34, 3.2. Provides for moditications to an existing stonnwater pond. Feasibility Study in 2002. I I Justification These projects are identitied, detailed and prioritized in the City's Surface Water Management Plan to meet water quality goals for Lake Susan. Will achieve better nutrient and sediment removal. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 150,000 150,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 150,000 150,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 2002 150,000 150,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 150,000 150,000 I I : Operational Impact/Other . I These projects will be tin anced with the annual operating budget of the Surface Water Management Plan, funded by the Stann Water Utility. I I I I I 87 Contact Department Surface Water Management Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN ----------------------. Project # SWMP-004 P'rojectName Lake Riley Watershed 2001 thru 2005 I I Description SWMP Projects 4.1, 4.6. Provides for the creation of stormwater ponds at these locations. Feasibility Study in 2003. I I I Justification These projects are identified, detailed and prioritized in the City's Surface Water Management Plan to meet water quality goals for Lake Riley. Will reduce the 'sediment and nutrient loads into Lake Riley. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 150,000 150,000 2004 2005 Total 150,000 150,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 150,000 150,000 2004 2005 Total 150,000 150,000 I I I , Operational Impact/Other These projects will be financed with the annual operating budget of the Surface Water Management Plan, funded by the Storm Water Utility. I I I I 88 .1 I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN -----.---..-.-....-..---.--.---.---.-- Project # SWMP-005 Project Name Lake Winnewashta Watershed 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Surface Water Management I , Type Improvement Useful Life I Category Priority n/a I Description '=---===-'=~~-====- SWMP Projects 3.16,1.9. Provides for the creation of stormwater ponds at these locations. Feasibility Study in 2004. I I Justification These projects are identified, detailed and prioritized in the City's Surface Water Management Plan to meet water quality goals for Lake Winnewashta. Will reduce the sediment and nutrient loads into Lake Winnewashta. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 2004 175,000 175,000 2005 Total 175,000 175,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 175,000 175,000 2005 Total 175,000 175,000 I I ------ Operational Impact/Other I These projects will be financed with the annual operating budget of the Surface Water Management Plan, funded by the Storm Water Utility. I I I I I 89 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN 2001 thru 2005 Contact I Department Surface Water Management Project # I)roject Name SWMP-006 Bluff Creek: Alter Existing Ponds Type Improvement Useful Life I Category Priority nla I I Description SWMP Projects 4.7, 5.19 Projects would alter existing ponds by excavation and outlet control. This project is scheduled for consideration in 2000. However, the actual project will be 'managed by the watershed district once their Feasibility Study is complete. i\ccount#720-0000-4769 I I Justification Projects would increase pond storage capacity and water treatment capabilities. These projects are identified in the City ofChanhassen's Basic Water Management Project petition to the Riley, Purgatory, Bluff Creek Watershed District. This project is consistent with both the Surface Water Management Plan and the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 200,000 200,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 200,000 200,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 2002 200,000 200,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 200,000 200,000 I I I Operational Impact/Other The Watershed District will provide 100% funding for water resource-related projects, 50% for recreational trails and educational facilities and 25% of the costs for .land acquisition. The City's contribution to these projects will be funded through the Surface Water Management Program. I I I I .1 90 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Surface Water Management Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I City of Chanhassen, MN Project # SWMP-007 Project Name Bluff Creek: Create Stormwater Ponds I I . Description SWMP Projects 6.19, 7.5. Projects would create stormwater ponds at these locations. This project is scheduled for consideration in 2001. However, the actual project will be managed by the watershed district once their Feasibility Study is complete. I I Justification Projects would reduce the sediment and nutrient loads into Lake Minnewashta. These projects are identified in the City ofChanhassen's Basic Water Management Project petition to the Riley, Purgatory, Bluff Creek Watershed District This project is consistent with both the Surface Water Management Plan and the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 205,000 205,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 205,000 205,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 205,000 205,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 205,000 205,000 I I Operational Impact/Other I .The Watershed District will provide 100% funding for water resource-related projects, 50% for recreational trails and educational facilities and 25% of the costs for land acquisition. The City's contribution to these projects will be funded through the Surface Water Management Program. I I I I I 91 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN ]Project # SWMP-008 Project Name Bluff Creek: Alter Existing Ponds 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Surface Water Management Type Improvement Useful Life I I Category Priority n/a I I Description .SWMP Projects 2.13, 4.12. Projects would alter existing ponds by excavation and outlet control. This project is scheduled for consideration in 2002. However, the actual project will be managed by the watershed district once their Feasibility Study is complete. I I Justification Projects would increase pond storage capacity and water treatment capabilities. These projects are identified in the City ofChanhassen's Basic Water Management Project petition to the Riley, Purgatory, Bluff Creek Watershed District This project is consistent with both the Surface Water Management Plan and the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 210,000 210,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 210,000 210,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 2002 210,000 210,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 210,000 210,000 I I I Operational Impact/Other The Watershed District will provide 100% funding for water resource-related projects, 50% for recreational trails and educational facilities and 25% of the costs for land acquisition. The City's contribution to these projects will be funded through the Surface Water Management Program. I I I I .1 92 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Surface Water Management I . Project # City of Chanhassen, MN ----_._-_...~..- "--'--'--'-~-'-'-----'---------- SWMP-009 Bluff Creek: Create Stormwater Ponds -'---' ! Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a Project Name I , _~_._______ ..._..____.__._.____~_____________..___._____.J I Description SWMP-Project~ 5.11, 7.9. Projects would create stormwater ponds at these locations. This project is scheduled for consideration in 2003. However, the actual project will be managed by the I [watershed district once their Feasibility Study is complete. I Justification Projects would reduce the sediment and nutrient loads into Lake Minnewashta. These projects are identified in the City ofChanhassen's Basic Water Management Project petition to the Riley, Purgatory, Bluff Creek Watershed District. This project is consistent with both the Surface Water Management Plan and the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan. I I Expenditures Construction/Ma intenance 2001 2002 2003 215,000 215,000 2004 2005 Total 215,000 215,000 Total I I I Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 215,000 215,000 2004 2005 Total 215,000 215,000 I I Operational Impact/Other [The Watershed District will provide 100% funding for water resource-related projects, 50% for recreational trails and educational facilities and 25% of the costs for I land acquisition. The City's contribution to these projects will be funded through the Surface Water Management Program. I I I I 93 I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN --.---.-.---.-..---.--..---------.- Project # SWMP-OIO Project Name Bluff Creek: Create Stormwater Ponds Contact Department Surface Water Management Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I I I I , Description SWMP Projects 2.3, 3.1. Projects would create stormwater ponds at these locations. This project is scheduled for consideration in 2004. However, the actual project will be managed by the watershed district once their Feasibility Study is complete. . Justification Projects would reduce the sediment and nutrient loads into Lake Minnewashta. These projects are identified in the City ofChanhassen's Basic Water Management Project petition to the Riley, Purgatory, Bluff Creek Watershed District. This project is consistent with both the Surface Water Management Plan and the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan. I I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 Total 2004 275,000 275,000 2005 Total 275,000 275,000 Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 275,000 275,000 2005 Total 275,000 275,000 Operational Impact/Other The Watershed District will provide 100% funding for water resource-related projects, 50% for recreational trails and educational facilities and 25% of the costs for land acquisition. The City's contribution to these projects will be funded through the Surface Water Management Program. I I I I I I I 94 I I I .1 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 I ------------ Contact Department Surface Water Management Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a -------_._--._~.__.------. , Project # Project Name I Description Provides for alum treatment to Lake Lucy. I I Justification These projects are identified, detailed and prioritized in the City's Surface Water Management Plan to meet water quality goals for Lake Lucy. Will reduce the current phosphorus content in the lake and create a blanket which would prevent further loading of phosphorus from bottom sediments. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 50,000 50,000 2004 2005 Total 50,000 50,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2001 2002 2003 50,000 50,000 2004 2005 Total 50,000 50,000 I I i Operational Impact/Other I iThese projects will be financed with the annual operating budget of the Surface Water Management Plan, funded by the Storm Water Utility. I I I I 95 I I I I I I I I I I I I .'1 I I I I I I I Water System Improvements I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Project # I --.--...---.....-...-.--....-.--.---..--.-----...----..--.------.-.-------------------.~ Project Name Category Priority n/a I .pescription. = ~ Provide municipal water supply well. Well siting and engineering will begin in 2001, with construction in 2002. I I -------------- Needed to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. Justification I I Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Planning/Design 65,000 65,000 Construction/Maintenance 480,000 480,000 Total 65,000 480,000 545,000 I I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Expansion Fun 2001 65,000 65,000 2002 480,000 480,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 545,000 545,000 Total I I I ~ Op~~~~!2~e-act/O-.!Ee~ This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I I 97 CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life I City of Chanhassen, MN ,---.---.-....----..----.---...---.-------.----------------------,-----~ ll'roject # W -002 Project Name Well #10 I Category Priority n/a I I Description Provide municipal water supply well. Well siting and engineering will begin in 2003, with construction in 2004. I I JlLlstification N,:eded to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. I --~-- Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Planning/Design 70,000 70,000 Construction/Maintenance 630,000 630,000 Total 70,000 630,000 700,000 I I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Expansion Fun Total 2001 2002 2003 70,000 70,000 2004 630,000 630,000 2005 Total 700,000 700,000 I I I . Opl~rational Impact/Other This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I 98 I I I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN ..... ...-- .~..._--_...._._..-..._._....._.... -..-.-- Project # W -003 Project Name Well #11 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I ~--------- I ~:~:e~:~:~-\V~t:;-:PIY well. Well siting and engineering will begin in 2004, with construction in 2005. I I , Justification ~--~.,- .Needed to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. I I Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Planning/Design 72, 000 72,000 Construction/Maintenance 530,000 530,000 Total 72,000 530,000 602,000 I I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Expansion Fun Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 72,000 72,000 2005 530,000 530,000 Total 602,000 602,000 I I I I I 99 I Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN ]~roject # W -004 Project Name Water Tower (2MG): Lyman Blvd. Contact Department Water System Improvements I I Description Construct 2.0 MG elevated water storage reservoir. Tower siting and engineering will begin in 2004, with construction in 2005. I . Justification Nt:eded to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. I I Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Planning/Design 75,000 75,000 Construction/Maintenance 3,300,000 3,300,000 Total 75,000 3,300,000 3,375,000 I I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Expansion Fun Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 75,000 75,000 2005 3,300,000 3,300,000 Total 3,375,000 3,375,000 I I I Operational Impact/Other This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I 100 .1 I I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN _._.____._._._._._ ......_._...__.m._...__._..__...__._._.._.______~__.___ Project # W -005 Project Name Lake Riley Trunk II 2001. thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements I Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla I Description Node 641 to PRV-lO to Node 602. I I . Justification ;Needed to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 110,000 110,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 110,000 110,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Assessments 2001 110,000 110,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 110,000 110,000 Total I I : Operational Impact/Other I :This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I I 101 ---------~ Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN --.-----.---..----.-.--. IProject # W -006 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements lProject Name Water Improvements: TH 41 I I Description = .- Node 1021 - Node 1022 Node 1021 - PRY-8 PRY-8 - Node 1023 Node 1023 - Node 501 Node 501 - Node 1024 Node 1024 - Node 639 Justification Needed to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. I I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 335,000 335',000 2003 2004 2005 Total 335,000 335,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Assessments 2001 2002 335,000 335,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 335,000 335,000 I Total I I Operational Impact/Other This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I . ,I 102 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority nla I ~~~_~!Chanhassen, MN Project # W -007 Project Name Water Improvements: Manchester Dr. I I Description Node 1031 to Node 636. I I Justification Needed to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. I ---~-_.- I Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Construction/Maintenance 130,000 130,000 I Total 130,000 130,000 I I Funding Sources 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Sewer & Water Assessments 130,000 130,000 Total 130,000 130,000 I I Operational Impact/Other I This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I I 103 Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN -.-..---.-.--...----------....,.----------- I'roject # W -008 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements J'roject Name Water Improvements: Minnewashta Loop I I .!:escription Node 1022 to Node 3. I Justification I Needed to provide service to developing areas. Will also provide loop for west service area. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Pllm. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 270,000 270,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 270,000 270,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Assessments 2001 270,000 270,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 270,000 270,000 I Total I I . Operational Impact/Other This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I 104 .1 I 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a Project # I ----------- Project Name I ------- I I Description ~ ------- Node 510 to Node 612. Justification Needed to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 2004 400,000 400,000 2005 Total 400,000 400,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Assessments 2001 2002 2003 2004 400,000 400,000 2005 Total 400,000 400,000 Total I I Operational Impact/Other I ,This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I I 105 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN ---.--------------- ]l'roject# W-OlO 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements I -, Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I Project Name Water Improvements: Lyman, Audubon, Powers I I L!)escription ,Node 510 to Node 1012 'Node 1012 to Node 1013. I I j Justification !Nl:eded to provide service to developing areas. Identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 2003 2004 370,000 370,000 2005 210,000 210,000 Total 580,000 580,000 I Total I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Assessments 2001 2002 2003 2004 370,000 370,000 2005 210,000 210,000 Total 580,000 580,000 I Total I I i Operational Impact/Other !This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I 106 .1 I I CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN --.---.---.--...-..--..----.--- Project # W-Oll 2001 thru 2005 i ---.-J Contact Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I I ----------------------- Project Name Water Treatment Plant 1 I i Description :Construct Water Treatment Plant (siting and design in 2004, construction in 2005). I I 'Public demand and high maintenance costs may require water treatment to address high iron and manganese levels. Potential need and sites are ideutitied in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. Justification I I Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Planning/Design 500,000 500,000 Construction/Maintenance 3,500,000 3,500,000 Total 500,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 I I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Expansion Fun 2001 2002 500,000 500,000 2003 3,500,000 3,500,000 2004 2005 Total 4,000,000 4,000,000 Total I I i Operational Impact/Other I ]This project will increase maintenance costs. I I I I I 107 CAPITAL PLAN City of Chanhassen, MN W -012 Wellhead Protection Plan Preparation 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements I Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I Project # Project Name I I Description Wellhead protection is a method for preventing well contamination by managing potential contaminant sources in the area that contributes groundwater to the well. This area is known as the wellhead protection area. The 1989 MN Groundwater Protection Act grants the Commissioner of Health the authority to develop wellhead protection measures for wells serving public water supplies. The 1986 Amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act require states to implement wellhead protection programs for public water supply wells. I I Justification Nl:eded to provide service to developing areas. Identitled in the 1998 Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan and the 1996 Wellfield Study and Water Management Plan. I Prior [ 15,000 I Total Expenditures Planning/Design 2001 30,000 30,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 30,000 30,000 I Total I I Prior C 15,000 I Total Funding Sources Sewer & Water Expansion Fun 2001 30,000 30,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 30,000 30,000 I Total I I Operational Impact/Other This project may increase costs. I I I I .1 108 I I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Project # Project Name General Water System Repairs I ~----------------- I . Description Provides for emergency and unplanned repairs to the water system. This program is funded on an annual basis. I Account #700-7702-4550 Contact Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life Category Priority n/a I Justificati(m Water system failures such as pipe breaks, valve/hydrantlpump/electrical control problems are unpredictable, but inevitable. These failures are most often emergencies in nature and require immediate repair action. This program is necessary to expedite repairs and maintain a high level of service. I I Prior Expenditures 45,000 I Construction/Maintenance I Total Total I I Prior Funding Sources I 45,000 I Sewer & Water Utility Fund Total Total I 2001 45,000 45,000 2002 45,000 45,000 2003 50,000 50,000 2002 45,000 45,000 2003 50,000 50,000 2001 45,000 45,000 I lOperational Impact/Other I [This program does not increase operational costs. 2004 50,000 50,000 2005 50,000 50,000 Total 240,000 240,000 2004 50,000 50,000 2005 50,000 50,000 Total 240,000 240,000 I I I I I 109 CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 City of Chanhassen, MN W-014 SCADA System Upgrades/Maintenance ][>roject # Project Name Contact Department Water System Improvements I I Type Equipment Useful Life Category Priority n/a I Description i I Provides for the updating of the SCADA System control panels for a portion of the water system infrastructure (Wells 3,4,5,6,7 and towers 1 & 2). The program will be phased over 3 years. A,;count #700-7702-4705 I Justification i I Existing control panels vary in age. Available parts for the older units are dwindling. Communication is based on a phone line system; replacement upgrades would change to radio communications. This upgrade program will be a proactive approach to ensure reliable water service. I Prior [ 100,000 I Total 2001 100,000 100,000 2002 100,000 100,000 2003 10,000 10,000 Expenditures Construction/Maintenance Total 2004 10,000 10,000 2005 10,000 10,000 Total 230,000 230,000 I I Prior C 100,000 I Total Funding Sources Sewer & Water Utility Fund Total 2001 100,000 100,000 2002 100,000 100,000 2003 10,000 10,000 Operational Impact/Other i This program will decrease annual repair and maintenance costs due to problems associated with equipment age. I 2004 10,000 10,000 2005 10,000 10,000 Total 230,000 230,000 I I I I 110 I I I .1 ~ I CAPITAL PLAN 2001 thru 2005 Contact Department Water System Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life City of Chanhassen, MN I ------..-----------------..------- W-015 Repainting: West 76th St. Water Tower . Project # Project Name I -------- Category Priority n/a I · Description 'Provides for the recoating of the interior and exterior surfaces of the W. 76th St. Water Tower. I Justification 'This type of infrastructure requires recoating approximately every 10 years to protect the life of the metal structure and maintain healthy potable water. This project' :will extend the service life of this water storage facility. I I Expenditures Construction/Maintenance 2001 2002 40,000 40,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 40,000 40,000 Total I I I Funding Sources Sewer & Water Expansion Fun 2001 2002 40,000 40,000 2003 2004 2005 Total 40,000 40,000 Total I I i Operational Impact/Other iThis project does not increase operational costs. II i I I I I 111 I